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词汇 失火
例句 Never use water to put out fires in electrical equipment.电器失火时,千万不要用水灭火。The whole forest is tinder-dry.整片森林都很干燥,容易失火Fortunately, there was no-one in the office when the fire started.失火的时候幸好办公室里没人。A few windows cracked from the heat during the fire.失火后产生的高温使几扇窗子裂开了。The municipal government will do something about the firetraps in the city.市府将对城里容易失火的建筑物采取防患措施。Investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the fire.调查人员仍在设法找出失火的原因。That boy was rescued from a burning house.那个男孩被人从失火的房子中救了出来。Nothing shook the resolution with which he ran into the burning house.什么也动摇不了他直冲失火房屋的决心。He phoned in a false alarm of a fire in his apartment.他打电话虚报他的公寓失火We rallied around our neighbors when their house burned down.我们邻居家失火后,大家一起帮助他们渡过难关。The most urgent thing in a fire is to make sure everyone is out of the building.失火时最紧要的事是确保所有人都撤离大楼。He rescued three children from the burning building.他从失火的建筑物内救出了三个孩子。In case of fire, the onus probandi rests with the captain.如果失火,船长有举证之责。The fire in the factory has put back production.工厂失火耽误了生产。They managed to escape from the burning building.他们设法从失火的大楼中逃了出来。I thought it was just a drill but apparently it was for real.我还以为是消防演习呢,但显然是真的失火了。My home caught fire and everything in it was destroyed.我的房子失火了,里面所有东西都烧没了。The fire caused an upset in the building.失火使大楼里一片混乱。Would you know what to do if a fire broke out in your school?要是学校里失火你知道怎么办吗?There are conflicting claims about the cause of the fire.关于失火的原因有一些矛盾的说法。The danger of a fire in the home increases during the holidays.家中失火的危险性在节日期间增加了。The school was badly damaged by fire.学校因失火而损毁严重。If a fire starts in an engine, there is a detection system to pick it up.一旦发动机失火,检测系统就会探测到。He was lucky to flee the burning hotel.他很幸运逃出了失火的旅馆。For reasons which are not yet known, the factory caught fire late yesterday evening.昨晚工厂失火,原因尚不清楚。Many people were incredulous that such a small fire could have caused so much damage.许多人表示怀疑,这样一场小的失火竟然造成了那么大的损失。




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