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词汇 弄丢
例句 Vital evidence had been lost through a moment's inattention.关键证据由于一时疏忽被弄丢了。I get so annoyed when I lose work because I've forgotten to back it up.当我因为忘了备份把完成的工作弄丢时,真是懊恼极了。I can't find my ticket. I think I must have lost it.我找不到我的票。我想我一定是把它弄丢了。My son has lost his favourite / favorite toy.我儿子把他最喜欢的玩具弄丢了。Now I've gone and lost my perishing keys!哎呀,我竟把该死的钥匙弄丢了!To make matters worse, my friend then lost her keys.更为糟糕的是,我的朋友又弄丢了她自己的钥匙。I lost my return ticket and was stranded in Thailand.我的回程票弄丢了,结果被困在了泰国。He hasn't written to me recently - perhaps he's lost my address.他最近没给我写信——也许他把我的地址弄丢了。She never forgave him for losing her ring.她从没原谅他弄丢了她的戒指。Damn! I've lost my mother's wedding ring.该死的,我弄丢了妈妈的结婚戒指。Due to a police snafu, important evidence was lost.由于警察的大谬误,主要的证据都弄丢了。There was a mix-up and they lost my order.出了一个差错,他们弄丢了我的定单。I've still got one of the candlesticks but I've lost its companion.我还拥有一个烛台,却把配对的另一个给弄丢了。I lost the notes for my talk and had to ad-lib.我把讲稿弄丢了,所以只好即席发言。Neil put the certificate in a drawer so he wouldn't lose it.尼尔把证件放入抽屉里,这样就不会弄丢You lost the tickets? How could you be such an idiot?你把票弄丢了?你怎么这么笨呀?Somehow, I managed to lose my keys.我不知怎么地竟然把钥匙给弄丢了。Don't always leave your pen about, or you'll lose it one day.不要到处乱放钢笔,不然总有一天你的笔要弄丢的。 While I was writing, the computer went down and I lost all my work.我在写文章的时候,电脑死机了,我做的工作都弄丢了。She got into a real panic when she thought she'd lost the tickets.当她以为自己把票子弄丢了时着实吃了一惊。We lost the instruction manual and couldn't put our bikes together.我们弄丢了安装手册,没法把我们的自行车安装好。He was anxious lest he should lose the money.他担心自己会把钱弄丢了。She lost her wedding band. 她把婚戒弄丢了。It sounded lame but I really had lost my ticket.这话听起来很不可信,但我真的把票弄丢了。The problem with letters is that they always get lost or take forever to arrive.写信不好的地方就是总是弄丢,不然就是很久才寄到。I used to have a necklace like that, but I lost it.我曾有过那样一条项链,但给弄丢了。It's possible that the letter got lost in the post.有可能那封信在邮寄过程中弄丢了。He lost his plenipotentiary papers in the accident.他在事故中把全权证书弄丢了。I've lost the tickets for tonight's show.我把今晚的演出票弄丢了。I seem to have lost the file with all my personal records on it.看来我把记录我所有个人信息的那个文件弄丢了。Hold my hand: I don't want to lose you.抓住我的手,我不想把你弄丢了。Andrews has managed to get himself sacked.安德鲁斯竟然把自己的工作弄丢了。Hazel was furious when I lost her camera.我把黑兹尔的照相机弄丢了,她大发雷霆。I've lost the top off my shampoo bottle.弄丢了洗发水瓶的盖子。Someone's lost the letter and the boss is pointing the finger at me.有人把信弄丢了,老板就怪到我头上来。I've lost your car keys. Only joking, they're in my pocket.我把你的汽车钥匙弄丢了。只是开个玩笑,在我口袋里呢。I'm on my way to Switzerland, but I've lost my card. I've got to get a duplicate.我正在去瑞士的路上,可是我把卡弄丢了,得去补办一张。Quarterback Rattay was hit and fumbled the ball.四分卫拉塔伊被撞了一下,弄丢了球。The whole journey was a nightmare - we lost our luggage and both flights were delayed.整个旅程就像一场噩梦——我们弄丢了行李,而且两个航班都晚点了。I promised not to lose any of the books.我保证不弄丢任何一本书。




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