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词汇 childless
例句 Couples who are childless can feel excluded from the rest of society.没有子女的夫妇会觉得受到社会上其他人的排斥。There is a tendency to stereotype childless women as being hard and career-orientated.人们往往模式化地认为没有孩子的妇女是坚强的、热衷于事业的一类人。When the king died childless, his brother assumed the crown. 国王去世时无子嗣,他的弟弟继承了王位。Thousands of childless couples are to be given new hope by the government.政府将为数千对无子女的夫妇带来新的希望。It was a happy but childless marriage.这是一桩幸福的婚姻,就是没有孩子。A childless couple adopted the half-breed.一对无子女的夫妇领养了这个混血儿。Several fertility treatments are available for childless couples.有几种生育治疗法可供无子女的夫妻选择。The childless old lady offered to adopt one of the girls.这位无子女的老年女士表示愿意领养其中一个女孩。For many childless couples, adoption is the best solution.对许多没有孩子的夫妇来说,收养是最好的解决办法。




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