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例句 We want to open up lines of communication and provide more information.我们想开辟一些沟通渠道并提供更多的信息。The Internet has opened up a marketplace where sellers and buyers are virtually unknown to each other.互联网开辟了一个买卖双方互不认识的市场。The Roman legions left, opening the way for the conquest of the British Isles by the Germanic tribes.罗马军团撤退,给日耳曼部族开辟了征服不列颠群岛的道路。Maybe we should create an area for street performers.也许我们应该为街头表演者开辟出一个区域。The airline will launch its new transatlantic service next month.这家航空公司下个月将开辟一条新的跨越大西洋的航线。The decision could open the way for other children to sue their parents.这项判决可能会为其他孩子起诉他们的父母开辟一条通道。This discovery has opened up a whole new field of research.这个发现开辟了一个全新的研究领域。The end of communism opened up new vistas for investment.限制的取消开辟了投资的新前景。Welfare reform was an epoch in the history of US social policy.福利改革开辟了美国社会政策史上的一个新时代。They carved out an orchard where there used to be wild grass.他们在曾是野草丛生的地方开辟了果园。Tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland.为了开辟草场,热带雨林给砍伐掉了。These surgeons have blazed the trail in the treatment of bomb victims.这些外科医生在治疗炸伤方面开辟了新的道路。Her architectural designs have broken new ground.她的建筑设计开辟了新天地。There is a pioneering spirit of the need to break fresh ground.有一种必须开辟新天地的创业精神。This area has been quarried for limestone.这一地区已被开辟为石灰岩采石场。She blazed a trail for other women in politics.开辟了妇女从政的先河。They cut a path through the dense jungle.他们在密林中开辟出一条小道。They swamped out a small landing strip.他们开辟了一个简易小机场。They cleaved a path.他们开辟出一条小路。Germany is pushing for direct flights to be established.德国正在为开辟直飞航线而努力。Settlers hewed a town from the wilderness.拓荒者在荒原上开辟出一个小镇。The bulldozers carved a great gash through the forest.推土机穿过森林,开辟出一条大口子。The army could well be hard pressed to open up another front.军队很可能无法开辟另一条战线。Roosevelt's social reform program broke new ground.罗斯福的社会改革计划开辟了新的天地。We will blaze new roads in modernization.我们要在现代化方面开辟新的道路。Gellhorn may have broken new ground when she filed her first report on the Spanish Civil War.当盖尔霍恩发出她第一篇关于西班牙内战的报道时,她也许已经开辟了一片新的天地。The decision could open the way for other children to sue their parents.此判决为其他儿童起诉父母开辟了道路。We planted a small garden in our backyard.我们在后院开辟了一个小菜园。He was a genius, a pioneer who moved from one new field to the next.他是一位天才,一位开辟一个又一个崭新领域的先驱。They worked out their own road to socialism.他们开辟了一条有自己特色的通向社会主义的道路。We beat a path through the undergrowth.我们在矮树丛中开辟出一条路来。He is proud of the garden he made from a wilderness.他为自己从荒地上开辟出的花园而感到自豪。She worked hard to carve out a career in education.她努力在教育方面开辟一番事业。Only a specially equipped ship could cut a way through such tightly-packed ice.只有特别装备的船只才能够从这样厚实的积冰中开辟出一条通路来。A path was cleared through the jungle.在丛林中开辟出一条小路。After college, she set out to make her way in the world as a lawyer.大学毕业后,她以律师的身份开辟了一片新天地。




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