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词汇 to choose
例句 I decided not to try to influence her decision about which university to choose.在选择哪所大学的问题上,我决定不再试图去影响她的决定。If forced to choose, I would go for the former.如果必须作出选择的话,我会选择前者。His hands-off approach to teaching allows students to choose the focus of their studies.他的自主教学法允许学生们选择自己学习的侧重点。We need to choose energy policies that put the environment first.我们得选择把环境放在首位的能源政策。Today's methods of birth control make it possible for a couple to choose whether or not to have a child.现在的节育方法可以让一对夫妻选择是否要孩子。We have to choose between the competing priorities of industry, health, and education.我们不得不在工业、医疗保健和教育这些相互冲突的领域之间作出孰先孰后的选择。They go to the polls on Friday to choose the people they want to govern their country.他们周五去投票站选举他们想要的国家管理者。You have the obligation to your family to choose carefully.你有责任为家人仔细选择。Examinations may be used to choose which pupils are to move into the top streams.可以采取考试的方式来决定让哪些学生进入高阶班。They are forcing us to choose sides in the dispute.他们逼我们在争论两方中选择一方。Workers are free to choose from a wide variety of insurance plans.工人可以从多种保险计划中随意选择。His job is to counsel students on how to choose a career.他的工作是辅导学生就业。We have a vast range of cars to choose from at affordable prices.我们有许多车可供选择,价格合宜。We need to choose the menu, rent a banquet hall, and then there are the invitations to send.我们需要挑选菜单、租赁宴会厅,还要发送请柬。It's always best to choose the subject that interests you, not the one your parents want you to do.最好是选择你感兴趣的学科,而不是你父母要你读的学科。I need practical advice about how to choose the right computer.我需要有关挑选电脑的实用建议。He was in a quandary about which candidate to choose.他拿不定主意该选择哪位候选人。Due to the ambiguous nature of the question, it was difficult to choose the right answer.这个问题本身具有多种含义,因此很难选出正确答案。Students will be able to choose between English, French and Russian as their first foreign language.学生可以在英语、法语和俄语中间选择一门作为第一外语。There's a glittering array of glass to choose from at markets.市场上有各式各样五光十色的玻璃制品可供选择。He says his mother's disputes with her co-wife influenced him to choose monogamy.他说他母亲与他一夫多妻制下的太太发生了矛盾,这影响他最终选择了一夫一妻制。What were the criteria used to choose the winner?选择优胜者的标准是什么?A committee will be selected to choose the new leader.将选出一个委员会来决定新的领导人。They're all so pretty – I don't know which one to choose.它们都很漂亮,我不知道该选哪一个。You say you feel that you're being made to choose, and so you are. Such choices as this are a by-product of freedom.你说自己感觉是在被迫作选择,确实如此,而这样的选择是自由的附带品。The usual convention is to choose the reference point at infinity.通常的做法是在无穷大处取一个参照点。After the interviews we had to admit there was nothing to choose between the two candidates.面试之后我们不得不承认,两名应聘者都很好,叫人难以取舍。This is a very important job, so we don't want to choose the wrong person.这个工作非常重要,所以我们不想选错了人。Students are given the freedom to choose their own topics.学生有选择课题的自主权。It was hard to choose between the candidates – they were all much of a muchness.很难在候选人之间作出选择 — 他们都不相上下。Democrats/Republicans caucused last week to choose their candidates.民主党/共和党上周召开了党内预备会议推选候选人。It was difficult to choose from such a wide range of dishes on the menu.菜单上有那么多的菜,很难选择。We can give guidance to students on which courses to choose.我们可以在课程选择方面给予学生指导。Your best bet is to choose a guest house.你最好的选择就是找一家宾馆。There was no lack of schools to choose from.可挑选的学校还真不少。There are dozens of different dyes to choose from.可供选择的染料有数十种之多。There was a bewildering variety of styles to choose from.可供选择的款式令人目不暇接。It is difficult to choose from the vast array of wines.很难从这么多种葡萄酒中作出选择。You have to choose between him and me.你必须在我和他之间做出选择。There's always a wide selection of delicious meals to choose from.总是有很多美味可口的饭菜可供选择。




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