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词汇 to chew
例句 I gave the baby my key ring to chew on.我把钥匙圈给那婴儿嚼着玩。The meat was tough and hard to chew.这肉太老,很难嚼。We gave the dog an old shoe to chew on.我们扔了一只旧鞋给狗去啃。Be careful if you use that video recorder. It tends to chew tapes up.用那台录像机要当心,它会扯坏录像带的。That should give you something to chew on.那应该够你玩味一番的了。The investors have several economic reports to chew on.投资者有几份经济报告需要仔细思考。We were taught to chew our food thoroughly before swallowing.我们被教导吃东西要完全嚼烂后再咽下去。It was a pretty negative proposition to chew on.这是一个越多斟酌越显消极的建议。You're not allowed to chew gum in class.你们不许在课堂上嚼口香糖。We're not allowed to chew gum in class.我们不许在上课时嚼口香糖。He tends to chew things over too much in his mind.他总是思前想后。Tom likes to have some difficult matter to chew on.汤姆喜欢反复思考难题。They don't want to chew the problem over tonight.他们不想在今晚讨论这个问题。Old men have to chew thoroughly before swallowing.老人在咽东西之前必须细嚼。High-fibre foods take longer to chew.高纤维食物要花较长时间咀嚼。Children are always told to chew their food up well.人们总是教育孩子们要把食物嚼烂嚼细。I don't want to chew the matter over tonight.今晚我不想讨论这件事。He picked a leaf from the basil plant and started to chew it.他摘下一片罗勒叶子嚼了起来。Officials meet regularly to chew over the future of the company.官员们定期见面商讨公司的未来。The older women meet to chew the fat with their neighbors every morning.这些上了年纪的妇人每天上午和邻居们凑在一起闲聊。Even his mother used to chew him out in public.甚至连他的母亲过去也常在公开场合厉声斥责他。You got no call to chew me out.你没有理由责骂我。I'll give you till tomorrow to chew over.我给你一天的时间来考虑。Uncle George likes to come over to chew the fat every Sunday afternoon.乔治叔叔每星期天的下午都会过来闲聊一番。Babies who are getting new teeth like to have something hard to chew on.正在长新牙的婴儿喜欢咬硬东西。




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