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Give her something to chill her out. We have enough trouble already.给她点东西让她安静些,我们已经够烦的了。I want this soup to chill.我想使这汤冷却。You need to chill.你需要冷静。The marble floor was beginning to chill me.大理石地面开始让我觉得发冷。Put the wine in the fridge to chill.把葡萄酒放在冰箱里镇一镇。I want this beer to chill so I'll leave it in the fridge for an hour.我想要啤酒变凉,因此我把它放在冰箱里一小时。I'm just going to chill this weekend.我这个周末只想放松一下。After raves, we used to chill out in each others' bedrooms.以前每次狂欢派对过后,我们都会到彼此的卧室去放松一下。I've put the beer in the fridge to chill.我把啤酒放到了冰箱里冰镇一下。I need to chill out for a few hours before seeing them again.在再见他们之前,我需要先放松几个小时。These doughs can be rolled out while you wait for the pastry to chill.在等油酥糕饼凉的时候,可以把这些面团擀薄些。The marble floor was beginning to chill me.大理石地板开始让我觉得寒意刺骨。 |