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词汇 经济问题
例句 We will need strong policies if our economic problems are to be solved.要解决我们的经济问题,需要采取强有力的政策。His financial problems escalated after he became unemployed.他失业后,经济问题更是雪上加霜。The commission is cautiously favourable to Austrian membership, foreseeing few economic problems.没有预见到什么经济问题,委员会谨慎地赞同吸收奥地利为会员。The new Administration seems to be less doctrinaire in its approach to economic problems.新政府在对待经济问题的态度上似不那么教条。This book treats of economic problems.这本书探讨经济问题Recent economic problems are beginning to translate into a demand for reforms.最近的经济问题开始引发改革呼声。The government is wrestling with difficult economic problems.政府正在努力应对严重的经济问题The country has suffered from persistent economic problems.该国持续遭受经济问题These economic problems have come at the wrong time for the Republican Party.对共和党来说,这些经济问题出现得不是时候。The board sounded a note of caution about the economy.董事会提醒大家要留心经济问题The woman who became his wife would be acquiring not just a husband but a run-down house and a parcel of financial worries.女人嫁给他,得到的不仅是一个丈夫,还会有一栋破烂的房子和一大堆经济问题The country is beset by severe economic problems.该国遭受严重的经济问题的困扰。It is sometimes erroneously believed that cutting interest rates will cure all our economic problems.有时候人们会错误地认为,降低利率会解决我们所有的经济问题The country's economic problems are largely due to the weakness of the recovery.该国的经济问题很大程度上是因为复苏乏力。He accused the Government of refusing to face facts about the economy.他指责政府不能在经济问题上面对现实。The challenge for American leadership is this: Can we put our economic house in order?.美国领导层面临的挑战是:我们能否处理好自己的经济问题Low taxation of the rich is the root of the economic problems in this country.富人低税收是该国经济问题的根源。The country's economic troubles are deep-rooted. 这个国家的经济问题根深蒂固。The country's economic problems are largely due to the banking crisis.这个国家的经济问题很大程度上是由银行业危机造成的。Debbie has the mother of all money problems.戴比遇到了最大的经济问题The government is beset with a complex array of economic problems.政府为一系列复杂的经济问题所困扰。Peace brought no solution to the economic problems that pivoted on overseas trade.和平没有为依赖海外贸易的经济问题带来解决办法。Economic concerns are preoccupying the voters in this election.选民在这次选举中最为关注的是经济问题There is no panacea for the country's economic problems.解决该国经济问题没有万应灵丹。She is concerned with a variety of social/moral/economic issues.她关注诸多社会/道德/经济问题He focused his research on the economics of the interwar era.他主要研究两次世界大战之间那些岁月的经济问题There is no easy short-term solution to Britain's economic malaise.没有什么办法在短期内就可以轻易解决英国的经济问题You cannot separate unemployment from the wider debate about the economy.不能将失业与更广泛的经济问题方面的讨论分割开来。The country is still suffering from deep-seated economic problems.这个国家仍在遭受根深蒂固的经济问题的困扰。The problems of the economy are intricately linked to other social issues.经济问题与其他社会问题有着错综复杂的联系。The country is still suffering from deep-seated economic problems.该国仍然受到根深蒂固的经济问题的困扰。The sharpest tangible issue in the election remains economics—right down to the wire.选举中最为尖锐的实质性争论点直到最后仍然是经济问题Economic problems are by no means the only backwash of war.经济问题绝非战争唯一的后果。The main political parties are merely shadowboxing, instead of tackling the real economic problems facing this country.各主要政党只是出虚招,而不是处理该国真正面临的经济问题At the bottom of the country's economic problems is its overwhelming debt.该国经济问题的根源在于巨额外债。Technically, the country's economic problems are over, but recovery will be slow.理论上,这个国家的经济问题已经过去了,但恢复将会很慢的。There is no silver bullet that will solve all our economic problems.没有什么高招可以解决我们所有的经济问题The country is beset by severe economic problems.这个国家被严重的经济问题所困扰。He feels that today's economic problems validate his opposition to the policy. 他觉得目前的经济问题说明他反对这项政策是对的。The current new wave of technology should prove an economic elixir.当前的新技术浪潮可以证明是解决经济问题的灵丹妙药。




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