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词汇 经济领域
例句 He is articulate about everything in the field of economics.他对经济领域里的一切都能讲得头头是道。The inflation spiral has its roots throughout the economy.螺旋状通货膨胀的根子在于整个经济领域Government money was poured into the economy in order to encourage industry.政府资金注入经济领域以鼓励工业生产。E-commerce was then seen as a booming economic area.电子商务那时被视为日趋繁荣的经济领域Western Europe and Japan managed to outdo their American competitors in some economic areas.西欧与日本在某些经济领域已超越了美国的竞争对手。The economic arena has been dominated by that country.经济领域一直被那个国家主导。In many sectors of the economy the recovery has started.许多经济领域已经开始复苏。On the economic front, the programme for reform is beginning to take effect.经济领域,改革计划开始见效了。The civil war reinforced the centrifugal tendencies at work within the economy.内战加剧了经济领域的离心倾向。Progress on this issue must be made in parallel to any moves on the economic front.这个问题上的进展应该和经济领域的进展同步。There's a lot of cash floating around in the economy at the moment.目前的经济领域中存在大量的现金。The new government has started to make sweeping changes in the economy.新政府已经着手在经济领域进行意义深远的改革。




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