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例句 When you have got a handle on your anxiety you can begin to control it.一旦了解了自己焦虑的原因,你就开始能控制它了。He set out in search of ideas for starting a company of his own.开始寻求思路创办自己的公司。Tim fell to his knees and started to pray.蒂姆跪下来开始祷告。The leaves start out a pale green, and later get darker.树叶开始是淡绿色,后来颜色变深了。The band struck up, and riders paraded round the ring.乐队开始奏乐,骑手们列队绕场行进。She started to yell and cuss as soon as she saw him.她一看见他就开始又喊又骂。Let's get going.我们开始动手吧。The lunar module begins a slanting descent to the moon's surface.登月舱开始向月球表面斜降。Her death put everything else into perspective.她的死使人们开始正视所有其他事情。He bled all the oil from the engine before starting work.他在开始工作前抽干了发动机里所有的油。Unbeknownst to her father, she began taking dancing lessons.她瞒着父亲开始去上舞蹈课。She converted her son to the pleasures of poetry.她使儿子开始品尝诗歌之乐。He started running and soon broke a sweat.开始跑步,很快就冒汗了。It all started when Paul McCartney and John Lennon teamed up to form a band.保罗·麦卡特尼和约翰·列侬合作成立了一个乐队,一切就这样开始了。There were three more things to do before countdown.倒计时开始前还有三件事要做。He began his speech by thanking the President and ended it by telling a joke.他的讲话以感谢总统开始,以一个笑话结束。My children can act like little hellions when they're bored.我的孩子一感到无聊就开始捣蛋。Have a good breakfast to get your day rolling.好好地吃一顿早餐,开始新的一天。We got talking about old times.我们开始谈起过去的时光。She proceeded to do this with a kind of icy dispassion.她以一种极为冷静的客观态度开始办理这件事。Her hair started falling out.开始掉头发。A couple of years after they got married, he started seeing other women.他们结婚几年后,他开始与其他女人交往。The ski instructor began by demonstrating the correct way to turn.滑雪教练一开始就演示如何正确转向。We break the horses in when they're about two years old.小马两岁左右的时候我们就开始训练它们。Even the most apathetic students are beginning to sit up and listen.甚至连最无动于衷的学生都开始坐直了听讲。We noted her impatience to begin.我们注意到她急著想开始The shell parted and something akin to a giant white worm began to wiggle out.贝壳张开了,出现了一个巨大的白色肉虫模样的东西,开始向外蠕动。The letter was now yellow and beginning to curl up.这封信如今已发黄并开始卷曲。Before starting to write an answer in an exam, prepare yourself by thinking about what you want to say.考试时开始写答案前,先想好要说些什么。As the race started the crowd pressed forward towards the track.比赛开始时,人们朝跑道的方向拥挤着。I'd known her since my sophomore year in high school.自从高二开始,我就认识她了。His sweater started to unravel at the cuffs.他毛衣的袖口已开始脱线。Scientists are beginning to work on a cure.科学家们开始研究一种治疗方法。Their clownish antics are beginning to irritate me.他们滑稽古怪的举动开始激怒我了。The evening shadows were beginning to fall.暮色开始降临。We began a steady downhill run.我们开始一路向下跑去。He dashed away from the cricket club when he found out that his wife had gone into labour.他发现妻子开始阵痛,便匆忙离开了板球俱乐部。From day one I knew we'd have a strong team this year.我一开始就知道今年我们能组成一支强队。At first his theories were dismissed as pie in the sky.开始的时候,他的理论被当作空中楼阁而未加以考虑。Eventually the paint will start to crystallize.最后油漆会开始结晶。




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