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We spun the top and watched it turn around in circles.我们把陀螺转动起来,看着它一圈圈地旋转。The boy was spinning a top.那男孩在抽陀螺。A fellow must have some reward for making a teetotum of himself.一个忙得像陀螺般团团转的人必须得到某种奖赏。These boys are whipping tops.这些男孩子正在抽陀螺。The children were spinning a top.孩子们正在抽陀螺。The dinghy spun like a top and a huge wave came at me.小艇像陀螺一样转了起来,接着一个巨浪向我打来。They've got me programmed like a top. I never stop spinning.他们把我弄得像陀螺,转个不停。 |