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It's frightening that someone like Adolf Hitler could come to power in a democratic election.令人不安的是,像阿道夫·希特勒那样的人有可能在民主选举中上台。Adolf Hitler worked as a house painter in Austria before becoming involved in politics.阿道夫·希特勒涉足政界前在奥地利当房屋油漆匠。He employed such Procrustean methods that modern historians have even likened him to Adolf Hitler.他使用了如此残忍的强迫方法,以致现代史学家甚至把他比作阿道夫·希特勒。He was considered a war criminal who merely followed Adolf Hitler.他被视为一个盲目追随阿道夫·希特勒的战犯。The previous year Adolphson had starred in a play in which Ingrid had been an extra.上一年,阿道夫森在一部戏剧里担任主角,当时英格丽在剧中还只是个临时演员。 |