例句 |
All our chalets include a microwave for extra convenience.我们为所有的度假小屋配了微波炉,以备不时之需。All our chalets have kitchen facilities.我们所有的度假小屋都配有厨房设施。The two-bedroom chalet is in good condition.这个有两间卧室的度假小屋条件很好。Many Swedes have small vacation homes on a lake shore.许多瑞典人都在湖边拥有一栋度假小屋。Each holiday chalet has its own separate garden.每个度假小屋都有独立的花园。They own a weekend retreat in the country.他们在乡下有一栋周末度假小屋。They have a second/vacation home on the lake.他们在湖边有一处别居/度假小屋。 |