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词汇 worship
例句 The Greeks used to worship several gods.希腊人过去信奉多神。They all worship the same god.他们信奉同一个神。He is one of the leading advocates for a more modern style of worship.他是主张采用更为现代的礼拜仪式的重要倡导者之一。I worship God in my own way.我以自己的方式敬奉上帝。For Jews, the synagogue is the centre for community worship and study.对犹太人来说,犹太教堂是教徒共同祈祷和学习的中心。Once upon a time, they had an idolatrous worship of money.曾几何时,他们对钱有偶像一般的崇敬。They worship James Brown, Bob Marley and Jimi Hendrix.他们崇拜詹姆斯·布朗、鲍勃·马利和吉米·亨德里克斯。The ceremony will be held at our place/house of worship. 仪式将在我们的礼拜场所举行。He was amused by the way younger actors started to hero-worship and copy him.年轻一些的演员们开始把他当成偶像崇拜并加以模仿,这让他觉得很有意思。This is the church where we used to worship.这就是那座我们过去常做礼拜的教堂。This is hero-worship at its most extreme.这是最极端的英雄崇拜。Stealing from a place of worship was regarded as sacrilege.从礼拜场所偷东西是对神灵的亵渎。The altar bore a circular mirror in anornately carved wooden frame: an emblem of shinto worship.祭坛上有一面用精致雕刻木框镶嵌的镜子,是日本神教信仰的象征。The Hindu religion encompasses many widely differing forms of worship.印度教中包括有许多截然不同的崇拜形式。My parents worship at the altar of money. 我的父母把金钱看得过重。We attended worship this morning.今晨我们去做礼拜了。Come, let us bow down in worship.来吧,我们一起低头做礼拜。Christians, Muslims and Jews came together for an act of communal worship.基督教徒、穆斯林和犹太教徒聚在一处,集体做礼拜。Christian/Sikh/Muslim worship基督教/锡克教/伊斯兰教的礼拜Singer Brett Anderson inspires old-fashioned hero-worship.歌手布雷特·安德森唤起了旧式的个人崇拜狂潮。Hero worship is part of human nature.英雄崇拜是人之常情。They have found a divinity to worship.他们找到了可以崇拜的神灵。The prisoners were not allowed to worship their own god.不允许这些犯人敬奉自己的神。They encourage their children to participate in temple worship.他们鼓励子女去寺庙拜神。The temple contains a strange commixture of Brahamanical and Buddhist worship.在这所寺院里,对婆罗门教的礼拜和对佛教的礼拜奇怪地混在一起。She thinks that young people today are becoming increasingly selfish, and worship at the shrine of individual happiness and gratification.她觉得现在的年轻人变得越来越自私,追寻个人的幸福与满足。He may not worship at the altar of government intervention in business, but he is in favour of limited support for industry.他可能并不支持政府对商业的干预,但他赞成采取有限度的支持。They attended worship this morning.他们今晨去拜过神。This church has been a place of worship for a thousand years.一千年来,这座教堂一直是敬神的地方。The villagers gather for worship in the little church every Sunday.每个星期天,那些村民聚在小教堂里做礼拜。We're in an era of fitness and health worship.我们处在一个崇尚健康的时代。He said they were fighting for freedom of speech, freedom of worship, and freedom from want.他说他们在为言论自由而战,为信仰自由而战,为远离贫困而战。They would warn the Hebrews against the worship of idols or rival gods.他们会警告希伯来人不要信奉除上帝之外的偶像或异教神祇。He objects to the unthinking hero worship of great athletes by their fans.他反对粉丝对明星运动员的盲目英雄崇拜。Most of the upper castes worship the Goddess Kali.印度上层种姓多数崇拜女神时母。He admired his uncle, almost to the point of hero worship.他对叔父的敬慕几乎到了英雄崇拜的地步。They socialize together and worship in the same mosque.他们一同参加社交活动,并且在同一清真寺做礼拜。The lecture was about ancient worship of animate and inanimate objects.讲座是关于古代对有生命物和无生命物的崇拜。Christian worship usually takes place on a Sunday.基督徒通常在周日做礼拜。They worship at this temple.他们在这个寺庙拜神。




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