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词汇 worshipped
例句 The Ancient Egyptians worshipped many gods.古埃及人敬奉许多神。You find yourself worshipped by the self-same people who beat you up at school.你发现原来在学校里痛扁你的同一群人现在成了你的崇拜者。The ancient people of this area worshipped a huge bronze idol in the shape of an elephant.这一地区的古代居民膜拜一尊象形的青铜巨像。As a child, I worshipped my older brother.还是孩子时,我很崇拜我的哥哥。She scorned the girls who worshipped football heroes.她瞧不起那些崇拜足球英雄的姑娘。No frail mortals who worshipped `the golden calf' could change his mind.没有哪个意志薄弱、崇拜金钱的凡人能够改变他的想法。These primitive peoples are believed to have worshipped the phallus as a symbol of regeneration.据信这些原始人崇拜阴茎形象,把它视为繁衍的象征。His junior officers worshipped him.他的下级官员都很崇拜他。He was once worshipped like a god but is now a fallen idol.他曾像神一样受崇拜,如今却成了堕落的偶像。Garvey worshipped the ground his wife walked on.加维对妻子崇拜得五体投地。His fans hero-worshipped him.他的影迷把他当作英雄崇拜。Many ancient cultures worshipped the sun and moon.许多古代文明都敬奉太阳和月亮。The brother Ian had once hero-worshipped was now an unemployed drug addict.伊恩曾经非常崇拜的哥哥现在成了个无业的吸毒者。People have worshipped gods since the dawn of civilization.自文明发展之初,人类便信奉神明。She was worshipped by a generation of moviegoers.她受到一代电影爱好者的崇拜。As a kid I worshipped my brother.小时候我很崇拜我哥哥。She worshipped her father.她崇拜她的父亲。The people worshipped at wayside shrines.人们在路边的圣祠礼拜。They worshipped political and social success.他们崇拜政治和社会成功。The people worshipped pagan gods.这个民族崇拜异教神。She had worshipped him for years.她仰慕他已有多年。He loved/worshipped/admired her from afar. 他默默地爱着/崇拜着/欣赏着她。He worshipped his elder brother.他崇拜他的哥哥。They worshipped at St John's Church.他们在圣约翰教堂做礼拜。The whole family worshipped together at the chapel.全家人在小教堂做礼拜。On the island the people worshipped different gods.在这个岛上,人们信仰不同的神。As a child he hero-worshipped his older brother.他小时候盲目崇拜他的哥哥。The whole family worshipped at St Jude's every Sunday.全家人每个星期天都要在圣裘德教堂做礼拜。




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