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例句 The other kids used to call me names, but I tried to ignore them.别的小孩过去常常辱骂我,但我尽量不去理睬他们。Often such girls spend much time doing needlework.像这样的姑娘们常常花很多时间做针线活。The term 'organization' often connotes a sense of neatness. organization这个词常常让人想到整洁。In the past, schoolteachers regularly meted out physical punishment to their pupils.在过去,教师常常体罚学生。Fathers are often subconsciously jealous of their sons.做父亲的常常会下意识地忌妒自己的儿子。In children's books, witches are often shown riding broomsticks.儿童读物中,巫婆常常是骑着扫帚现身的。It was often hard to work and do the course at the same time.半工半读常常很艰难。He travels so much he actually wears out suitcases.他经常出门旅行,常常会把旅行箱都用坏。The media tends to hype up the glamour side of women's sport.媒体常常夸大女性运动有魅力的一面。Acne often clears up by itself.痤疮常常会自行消失。The Germans, as a nation, are often thought to be well organized.作为一个民族,德国人常常被认为很有组织纪律性。Women's employment opportunities are often severely constrained by family commitments.女性的就业机会常常受到家庭责任的严重限制。Socialist systems have often been successful in reducing inequality.社会主义制度常常能有效减少不平等现象。There is a collection of dust in an unused room.空著不用的房间常常积起大量灰尘。Some people often smear others.有些人常常诽谤别人。We used to grumble that we were wasting time learning a dead language.我们过去常常抱怨自己是在浪费时间学一门死语言。My daughter often studies late into the night.我女儿常常读书到深夜。When they speak Filipino, they are apt to toss in English words.他们讲菲律宾语时常常夹杂一些英语词。On cold days he would run the car motor to prevent stalling.冷天,他常常使汽车的马达空转以防抛锚。It is a sad fact of life that the most deserving people do not often achieve the most success.最应该成功的人常常没能取得最大的成功,这虽然可悲,却是事实。Old memories often recurred to him.往事常常重新浮现在他的心头。His memory was so impaired by age that he often forgot where he was.他的记忆力因年龄严重衰退,常常忘记自己在哪里。For doctors the working day often has no end.医生常常没有下班的时候。My brother always used to help me with my homework.我哥哥过去常常帮助我做作业。That peace often looked like a brief truce before the next plunge into war.那种和平看起来常常像是再次陷入战争前的短暂休战。Change is often tough to deal with.变化常常难以应对。I kept asking her to come out for a drink but for some reason she was always busy.常常叫她出来喝一杯,可不知怎么的她总是说忙。In practice, this law is often given a wide interpretation by the police.在实际操作中,警察对这条法律的理解常常很宽泛。Politicians often resort to familiar formulas when discussing controversial issues.讨论有争议的问题时,从政者常常会讲些惯用的套话。Historical records have often been kept in an ad hoc way, so that our information is not complete.历史纪录常常是以因时制宜的方法保存的,因此我们的资料不完整。This defender's ability to score vital goals has often proved a trump card.这位防守队员在关键时刻进球得分的能力常常成了整个队的制胜法宝。Our dreams are often far removed from reality.我们的梦想常常与现实相距甚远。Mother used to make peach preserves.妈妈过去常常自制桃子果酱。The children of overprotective parents often do not develop the skills they need to take care of themselves when they leave home.受父母过度保护的孩子常常不能发展出离家时所需的保护自己的技能。The thin air at high altitudes usually tires out people who are not used to the mountains.高海拔的稀薄空气常常会让不习惯爬山的人感到疲劳。I agree that the press is often too nosy about a candidate's personal history.的确,媒体常常过分关注候选人的个人经历。The press is often too nosy about a candidate's personal history.媒体常常过分关注候选人的个人经历。He is emotionally unstable, and his aggressive attitude often culminates in violence.他情绪不稳定,那种好斗的态度常常导致暴力行为。He works slowly and precisely whereas I tend to rush things and make mistakes.他是慢工出细活儿,而我则匆匆了事常常出错。He would start writing to his family and would screw the letter up in frustration.他会提笔给家人写信,却常常懊恼沮丧地又把信纸揉成一团。




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