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词汇 producer
例句 He's a film producer with several projects in the pipeline. 他是位电影制作人,手头有几个正在酝酿中的项目。The producer finally cast Finsh in the male lead.制片人最后让芬希出演男主角。In her screed against the recording industry, she blamed her producer for ruining her career.在她对唱片业发牢骚的长篇大论中,她指责制作人毁了她的事业。The large-scale producer can usually undercut smaller competitors.大型生产商通常能够削价与小一些的竞争者抢生意。Europe's largest producer of nylon is based in Belgium.欧洲最大的尼龙制造商总部设在比利时。The television producer today has to be part news person, part educator.今天的电视制片人必须既是新闻人,又是教育者。The company wants to change its image as a producer of low-cost, low-quality clothes.该公司想要改变自己的低成本、低品质服装制造商的形象。The Ivory Coast became the world's leading cocoa producer.象牙海岸成为世界上可可粉的主要产地。South Carolina is the fourth largest producer of tobacco.南卡罗来纳是第四大烟草出产地。Vanya Kewley is a freelance film producer.万尼亚·丘利是自由电影制片人。The studio was owned by Sam Goldwyn, the legendary Hollywood producer.这家电影制片厂的老板是赫赫有名的好莱坞制片人萨姆·高德温。Golan managed to corner the young producer-director for an interview.戈兰设法截住了那位兼任制片人的年轻导演,对其进行了采访。Chile is the world's largest producer of copper.智利是世界上最大的产铜国。The producer dismissed the comment as quite innocuous.生产商认为这种说法根本无关紧要而不予考虑。Then some overpaid TV airhead starts telling us how wonderful her producer is.接着,有个拿过高薪酬的电视蠢人开始跟我们讲她的制作人是如何如何的了不起。To insure accuracy, three consultants worked closely with the producer during filming.为了确保影片内容精确,在拍摄过程中有三位顾问与制片人密切合作。Marks and Spencer have made a name for themselves as a producer of high quality goods at reasonable prices.玛莎因生产质量高、价格公道的产品而出名。He is the director and producer.他是导演兼制片人。The company is a major producer of electronic components.这家公司是电子元器件的主要生产商。The estate is a producer of high-quality wines.该酒庄是高品质葡萄酒的生产商。He was asked to gag a new movie by a producer.他应制片人邀请,为一部新影片提供插科打诨的材料。She was willing to take on the role of producer.她很想当制片人。The publisher sold the copyright on the novel to a movie producer.出版商将这本小说的版权卖给了电影制造商。She's a writer, actress, and producer all rolled into one.她集作家、演员及制片人于一身。The producer wants to make some changes to the script before we get the director on board.我们确定导演人选之前,制片人想对剧本作些修改。…The producer must make certain there is enough material to fill the one-hour programme.制片人要确保有足够的材料来充实一小时的节目。I used to be with the BBC, but then I got the chance of being a producer for Channel Four.我过去为英国广播公司工作,后来得到机会当了第四频道的制作人。Her marriage to film producer Michael Greenburg fell apart.她和电影制片人迈克尔·格林伯格的婚姻破裂了。The producer was under pressure to maintain a diversity in his output.生产商承受着保持产品多元化的压力。The estate is generally a producer of high quality wines.这片土地盛产优质葡萄酒。The UK is the world's third largest arms producer, after the USA and Russia.英国是世界第三大武器生产国,位列美国和俄罗斯之后。This approach emphasizes the directive role of the producer in determining the nature of the product.这个方法强调制造者在决定产品性质中的指导作用。Russia's main diamond producer has also been in talks with the mining company.俄罗斯的主要钻石生产商也已在与钻石开采公司谈判。The producer was given a free rein with the script.制片人获准自主处理剧本。The show's producer has taken the brunt of the criticism.该节目的制片人受到最严厉的批评。Her work also came to the notice of the French actor-producer Louis Jouvet.她的作品也引起了法国演员兼制片人路易·茹韦的注意。He is the producer of several TV shows.他是好几个电视节目的制作人。Japan is the biggest producer of stereo equipment.日本是立体声设备的最大生产国。The producer was lukewarm about her script.制片人对她的剧本不感兴趣。After Norway, Britain is Europe's next largest oil producer.英国是仅次于挪威之后的欧洲第二大石油生产国。




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