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词汇 production
例句 OPEC has agreed to freeze its global oil production slightly in order to firm up crude prices.石油输出国组织已同意对全球石油生产稍加冻结,以稳定原油价格。The equipment was made on highly automated production lines.该设备是在高度自动化的生产线上制造的。The main trade was the production of woollen cloth.主要的生意是生产毛料。Most of the creative side of the business is farmed out to small production companies.工作的创意部分大部分包给了小型制作公司。Several improvements were made to the design during its production run.在生产过程中对设计作了几处改进。I'm in charge of production, and Martha takes care of the financial side.我管理生产,玛莎负责财务方面。The strike has brought production to a standstill.罢工已使生产停顿。The airplane is out of production. = The airplane has gone out of production. 这种飞机已停产了。Green tea inhibits the production of this enzyme.绿茶抑制这种酶的产生。The National Theatre's production is memorably staged.国家剧院排演的剧目隆重上演了。Industrial production has bogged down.工业生产停滞不前。The paper's music critic reviewed the production and was overwhelmed by its beauty.该报纸的音乐评论家撰文评论这部音乐作品,并被它的美妙之处所深深折服。The pay raise was a stimulus for production.加薪是生产的促进因素。She sent her script to several television production studios.她把她的剧本分别寄给几家电视制作工作室。The programme was a gold mine for small production companies.这一节目给小制作公司带来了滚滚财源。When he asks you something, answer him, but don't make a production of it.他问你什么你就回答,但不必大事发挥。The capitalist system extracts huge profits from arms production at the tax-payers' expense.资本主义体制牺牲纳税人的利益,从武器生产中牟取暴利。The company has plans to beef up its production.公司计划扩大生产。Japan's economic growth has stalled, with industrial production contracting in June for the fourth straight month.日本经济陷入停滞状态,到六月份时工业产出值已连续四个月缩减。This new technology will boost food production.这项新技术能促进食品生产。The two companies have announced plans to scale back production next year.这两家公司已宣布了缩小明年汽车生产规模的计划。The new production plant went into operation last month.新的制造厂上个月投入运转。The fire in the factory has put back production.工厂失火耽误了生产。She moved into production last year.她去年转为制片。The subsidies are to enable farmers to convert to organic production methods.补贴是为了让农民改用有机农业生产方法。The boss wants less sounding off and more production.老板要我们少发意见多生产。We aim at doubling our production.我们的目标是将生产增加一倍。Now that the financing has been secured, the production of the film is assured.既然资金已经落实,这部电影的制作也就有了保证。Our production can't keep pace with the orders coming in.我们的生产跟不上订单涌入的速度。The play still packs a punch, as last week's production proved.正如上周的演出所证明的那样,这出戏依然反响强烈。New products and production processes are transferred to the developing countries only after a substantial amount of time has lapsed.新的产品和生产工序要经过一段相当长的时间后才能向发展中国家转移。Your job will be to assist the production manager.你的职责就是协助生产经理开展工作。He has a job in television production.他从事电视节目制作工作。Have you seen the new Shakespeare production at the Arts Center?你去艺术中心看过新上演的莎士比亚戏剧吗?They wanted more direct participation in the solution of steel production problems.他们要求更多的直接参与解决钢铁生产的问题。Despite current price advantage, U.K. manufacturers are still having to scale back production.尽管目前在价格上占据优势,英国生产商还是不得不减少产量。The rate of production is tied to consumer demand. 生产率和消费者的需求相关。The food was contaminated during the production process.这食物在生产过程中受到了污染。Businesses must synchronize their production choices with consumer choices.企业的生产必须与消费者的选择保持一致。Hopkins will be appearing as Willie Lomax in next week's production.霍普金斯将在下周的演出中饰演威利·洛马克斯。




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