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词汇 producers
例句 The high taxes on imported goods are intended to protect domestic producers.对进口商品实行高税收旨在保护国内生产厂商。Australia is one of the world's main producers of wool.澳大利亚是世界上主要的羊毛产地之一。Many producers are being forced to cut costs and use cheaper materials.许多生产商正被迫降低成本和使用更便宜的材料。Movie producers attempted to break down all the taboos.电影制片商们试图冲破一切清规戒律。It is extremely difficult to launch a new product in the face of cutthroat competition from rival producers.面对竞争对手们异常激烈的竞争,要开发一种新产品是极其困难的。The oil producers will raise prices, thus increasing their profits.石油生产商将抬高价格,以此来增加利润。Atkins was the producers’ first choice for the part of the maid.制片人认为阿特金斯是饰演女仆的最佳人选。The proposal would end a long-running dispute between the Internal Revenue and the petroleum producers.这一提议将结束国内税务局与石油生产商之间长期的纷争。The effect on coffee prices has been disastrous for the producers.对咖啡价格的影响对生产商而言是灾难性的。Firm prices and stability will allow both producers and consumers to plan confidently.价格的居高不下和市场的稳定将使制造商与消费者都能满怀信心地制订计划。Many producers are beginning to feel the heat from their larger customers.许多生产商开始感觉到来自较大买主的压力。Television producers should not take low ratings to mean failure.电视制作人不应该把收视率低看作是失败。Some producers of mineral water have made fat profits.一些矿泉水生产商获得了丰厚的利润。The production code has largely dissolved,partly because some producers have walked around it.这条生产规则基本上失效了,部分原因是由于一些生产者不照它办。 The producers are looking for someone with star quality. 制片人在寻找具有明星气质的人。Film producers often plunder TV's most popular shows.电影制片商们经常侵犯最受欢迎的电视节目的版权。Many producers have a low opinion of the average viewer's intelligence.许多制片人都认为一般观众的才智不高。He set up this lobby of independent producers.他组织了这个由独立生产商组成的游说团。The first tour will visit a handful of artisan food producers in action.第一个游览项目是拜访一些传统食品制作师,观看他们现场制作食品。Fairview Estate is one of the oldest and the most go-ahead wine producers in South Africa.美景庄园是南非历史最悠久同时也是最具创新精神的葡萄酒制造商之一。We commission TV shows from independent producers.我们委托独立制片人制作电视节目。Journalists and producers who fell out of favour were fired immediately.失宠的记者和制作人马上被开除了。The producers of the show decided they needed a more telegenic host.节目制作人决定他们需要一名更加上镜的主持人。The country has vaulted into fourth place among oil producers.该国已跃居产油国中的第四位。Superwoman exists only in the minds of journalists and Hollywood producers.超级女人只存在于记者和好莱坞制片人的脑子里。To TV game producers, humiliation is sweet nectar.对电视游戏制作者来说,越丢脸的事物就越受欢迎。Leading oil producers tried to hammer out a deal.几大油厂试图商定一个协议。The interests of producers and consumers may be in conflict.生产者和消费者的利益可能会有冲突。There is no question that foreign TV producers have blitzed the U.S.毫无疑问,外国电视机制造商已攻占了美国市场。Well, so much for the producers. But what of the con-sumers?好吧,关于生产商就讲这么多,那关于消费者呢?Cheap imports are hurting business for domestic producers.廉价的进口货损害了国内生产商的生意。Three iron ore producers have clubbed together to argue for new railways.三家铁矿石生产商联手,主张修建新铁路。The producers told me later that I got the job because Paul put in a good word for me.制片人后来告诉我,我获得这份工作是因为保罗为我说了好话。The producers were aware of the sensitivity of the subject.制片人很清楚这个话题十分敏感。To maintain a constant standard, some wine producers combine this year's wine with stocks from the previous year.为保持质量稳定,有些酒商把今年的酒与去年的存酒混合在一起。Many TV companies commission all their programmes from independent producers.许多电视公司都委托独立制片人制作他们所有的节目。The producers continued to play leapfrog with their prices.制造商们继续竞相提高价格。The company is no longer a/the weak sister among auto producers.这家公司不再是汽车生产商中的弱者。




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