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词汇 常会
例句 Immigrant families often try to continue cultural traditions.移民家庭常会尽量保持文化传统。Childhood problems often leave emotional scars.孩童时期的问题常会留下情感创伤。In hard-water areas, a chalky deposit often forms in pipes and kettles.在水质较硬的地区,水管和水壶内常会形成白色沉积物。The most intractable pain often occurs when the nerves themselves are damaged.神经本身受损时,常会出现最难治愈的疼痛。She's one of those authors who has a tendency to overwrite.她是那种写作风格常会拖泥带水的作家。They've had the ordinary problems associated with starting a new business.他们碰上了开办新公司常会遇到的问题。Tourists often get lost and stray into dangerous areas.游客常会迷路并误入危险区域。She has often alluded to a secret tragedy in her past.常会暗示,过去在她身上发生了一次不为人知的悲剧。Do not add salt to beans when cooking as this tends to toughen the skins.煮豆荚时别加盐,因为这常会使豆壳变硬。As germs penetrate the airways, the throat often turns inflamed.细菌侵入呼吸道时,咽部常会发炎。He always has hysterics at the sight of blood.一看到血他常会歇斯底里发作。Children's negative feelings often get acted out in bad behaviour.儿童的消极情绪常会通过不良行为表现出来。Kylie will often shop in Kensington without her minders, dressed in dark glasses for anonymity.凯莉常会不带保镖去肯辛顿购物,戴着墨镜不让人认出来。Milk can be expressed manually, but this often causes pain.奶可用手挤取,但这常会引起疼痛Butter often takes the flavour of the substances near it.黄油常会带上与它搁在一起的那种东西的气味。I used to get very het up about things.我过去常常会因为一些事情变得非常激动。He was prone to indigestion after rich restaurant meals.上馆子吃过油腻食物之后他常会消化不良。My ankles tend to swell when I travel by air.我坐飞机旅行时脚踝常会肿起来。Couples who cannot have children on their own often resort to using the services of surrogate mothers.自己无法生育的夫妻常会寻找代孕妈妈。The disease is often fatal if left unchecked.这种疾病若任其发展,常会是致命的。Clouds usually precipitate as rain or snow.常会凝结成雨或雪。When girls see another girl with a boy, they often try to make something of it.姑娘们看到有谁跟一个小伙子在一起,常会小题大作张扬一番的。If you live alone, you often wonder who would look after you if you fell ill.如果你独自生活就常会担心一旦病倒谁来照顾你。Bereavement can often lead to depression.丧失亲人常会引发抑郁症。Experience in voluntary work will often impress a potential employer.做义工的经历常会给潜在的雇主留下深刻印象。He would argue and eff all afternoon.常会整个下午争论不止,咒骂不休。During the day the off-duty men would pack into a recreation room.白天,不值班的士兵常会挤进娱乐室。The litters of several different females often occupy the same nest.多只雌鸟的幼鸟常会待在同一个巢里。The company used to give discretionary bonus payments.公司过去常常会酌情发放一些奖金。I used to worry about him coming home late, but now I'm past caring.我过去常常会为他的迟归而担心,但现在我已经不再牵肠挂肚了。Even when you win a match there's often a sense of anticlimax - you always feel you could have played better.即使在赢了比赛的时候,你也常会有一种不尽人意的感觉——总是觉得本来可以打得更好一些。Eczema is a common skin complaint which often runs in families.湿疹是一种常见的皮肤病,常会遗传。There is often a period of sexual experimentation during adolescence.人在青春期常会经历一个性体验阶段。Hallucination is common in patients who have suffered damage to the brain.脑部受损的病人常会产生幻觉。Refugees tend to be treated with suspicion.难民们常会遭人猜疑。I don't let him have sweet fizzy drinks because they tend to make him hyper.我不让他喝甜味的汽水饮料,因为常会让他变得亢奋。He would then suddenly alight on the tune he really wanted to play.常会在那时突然想起他真正想弹的曲子。These very poor women who are used as mules by drug barons often get long prison sentences.这些被毒枭雇来越境运送毒品的贫困女子常会被判处长期徒刑。




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