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词汇 帮助
例句 The charity is having a street collection in aid of the local hospital.这家慈善机构正在街头募捐,以帮助当地医院。This might help prevent the company falling prey to a takeover.这可能会帮助公司免遭收购之灾。He has shown us many kindnesses.他曾对我们有不少帮助If you want me to help you, you're going to have to clue me in.如果你想要我帮助你,你必须给我提供有用线索。The Internet can be a force for good by helping to spread knowledge.因特网可以为善,成为帮助传播知识的重要力量。Her help has made an appreciable difference.她的帮助起了很大的作用。The first step in empowering the poorest sections of society is making sure they vote.帮助社会最贫困阶层掌握自己命运的第一步就是要确保他们能够参加投票。It looks as if we are going to need more help.看来我们好像需要更多的帮助They helped establish connections among labs from Honolulu to Paris.他们帮助建立了从火奴鲁鲁到巴黎的实验室之间的联系。It kind of helps to talk to someone.找人谈谈会有点儿帮助They helped their party retake the Senate.他们帮助他们的政党重新控制了参议院。Mothers practise self-denial to help children.母亲总为帮助孩子而忘我。This training should help you in your chosen career.这种训练对于你所选的职业有帮助This book helped me to see the truth.这本书帮助我明白了真理。Most of his colleagues have been indebted to him for his assistance.他的大多数同事对他的帮助心怀感激。Thank you so/very much for your help.衷心感谢你的帮助They refused our offer of help.他们拒绝接受我们提供的帮助I'd like to thank everyone - my family, my friends - who helped to make the whole thing possible.我要感谢每一个人—我的家人、我的朋友—他们给了我帮助,使这一切成功。What I learned then is of little avail to me now. 我那时的所学对我现在没什么帮助Besieged with fears, he decided to seek the aid of a psychiatrist.他终日恐惧不安,决定寻求心理医生的帮助All the major charities are appealing for funds to help the victims of the disaster.各大慈善机构都在呼吁人们捐款帮助灾民。A friendly breeze helped us sail the boat into the harbor.一阵柔和的顺风帮助我们的船驶入港湾。She had a lot of help and support from her friends.她从朋友处得到了许多帮助和支持。Thanks Marge, I'll be glad of the help.谢谢你,玛吉,非常感谢你的帮助He has always been willing to give a hand to anyone who asked.任何人有求于他,他总是乐于帮助The scheme aims to help girls develop a positive self-image.该计划的目的是帮助女孩们培养积极的自我形象。When our car broke down, we were helped by a passing motorist.我们的汽车抛锚时,一位开车路过的人帮助了我们。Pride made him turn a cold shoulder to all offers of help.由于高傲他不屑接受一切帮助He helped launch her in her career as a singer.帮助她投身于歌唱事业。Working with native speakers helped me get a good grasp of the language.同操本族语的人一起工作帮助我很好地掌握了这门语言。With the help of his friends, he finally solved the problem.在朋友们的帮助下,他终于解决了问题。Supporters have set up an appeal fund to help Peter fight the case.支持者设立了一个援助基金来帮助彼得打这场官司。He had always felt a calling to help others.他总感到有一种想帮助他人的强烈愿望。They used special high-pressure hoses to help them put out the fires.他们用特殊的高压水管来帮助灭火。The money will be used to help starving children around the world.这笔钱将用于帮助世界各地挨饿的儿童。He was able to charm my mother into helping him financially.他总能哄得我母亲在经济上帮助他。Any help you can give us will redound to your own good name.你所能给我们的任何帮助都会提高你自己的声誉。He must attend a sex offenders' programme.他必须去听为帮助性罪犯而开设的课程。They're going to need any help they can get.能得到的帮助他们都需要。This book will be of great value to you in your studies.这本书将会对你的研究工作有很大的帮助




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