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例句 Harry was unable to understand the boy's passion for mechanical objects in preference to living creatures.哈里无法理解的是,那男孩对机械物体的热爱竟胜过了活生生的动物。Many patients feel unable to express their fears.许多病人感到无法表达他们的恐惧。Backstreet abortions left many women unable to have children later.非法堕胎使许多女性以后不能生育孩子。Only weeks later fate struck again, leaving her unable to compete.仅仅几周后,她再次遭受命运打击,不能参加比赛。Police have been unable to trace her movements during her final days.警方无法追踪到她最后几天的行踪。I was overcome by despair at being unable to find them.我找不到他们,绝望不已。We realize there is a disconnect, but we are unable to re-establish the connection.我们意识到连接中断了,但我们无法恢复连接。He is unable to travel far because of his state of health.鉴于他的健康状况,他不能长途旅行。I was unable to believe what I saw was real.我难以相信自己所见的乃是真实。We were unable to define what exactly was wrong with him.我们也不清楚他到底怎么了。He was unable to travel with the rest of the team.他不能和其余的队员同行。They were unable to have children of their own, so they decided to adopt.他们自己不能生育,所以决定收养孩子。Dr. Smith regrets that she will be unable to attend. 史密斯博士对她无法出席表示抱歉。Many children are so unfit they are unable to do even basic exercises.许多孩子非常不健康,连基本的健身锻炼都无法完成。She seems a cold flinty New Englander unable to relate to ordinary people.她似乎是个冷酷严厉的新英格兰人,不会与普通人打交道。Clare nodded, temporarily unable to speak.克莱尔点了点头,一时说不出话来。Belle was unable to stifle her surprise.贝尔无法抑制自己的吃惊。He was unable to keep with the older boys.他同年岁大一些的男孩合不来。The doctor was unable to diagnose the skin condition.医生没能诊断出这种皮肤病。He is unable to travel much because of old age.他年事已高,不能频繁出游。She was unable to take the medicine because of a marked kickback.她不能服这种药,因为反应太大。Waylans broke his wrist during practice and will be unable to bowl in tomorrow's game.韦兰斯在练习时摔断了手腕,明天比赛时不能投球。He was unable to take nourishment for several days.他几天来一直不能吃东西。He has been unable to extract himself from his legal difficulties.他一直不能从法律困境中摆脱出来。He thinks there's great shame in being out of work and unable to provide for his family.他认为没有工作、无法养活家人是一件很丢脸的事情。The company was unable to match his current salary.该公司不能提供与他目前的薪金相当的薪酬。We were unable to gain admission/entrance/entry to the club.我们未能获准进入俱乐部。I stared at him open-mouthed, unable to speak.我目瞪口呆地盯着他,一句话也说不出来。I've been unable to rouse her.我还没能叫醒她。John was unable to afford the house.约翰买不起这房子。The situation made her unable to speak intelligibly.当时的情况使她不能够清晰地讲话。He has been unable to recover from his grief at/over his son's death.他一直无法从丧子之痛中恢复。He was unable to get away from his follower.他无法摆脱跟踪者。She was unable to conceive a child naturally and was offered fertility treatment.她因不能自然怀孕而接受不孕治疗。The two of them seem unable to control their sexual urges.他们两个似乎欲火焚身。The military may feel unable to hand over power to a civilian President next year.军方可能会觉得明年难以将政权移交给一位民选总统。During the blackout, subway riders were stranded and unable to get home.断电期间,地铁乘客被困不能回家。I was unable to recollect the names.我回想不起那些名字了。As she was unable to swim, he plunged in after her.因为她不会游泳,所以他紧随其后跳了下去。He was still filled with wanderlust, unable to domesticate.他仍然非常喜欢到处漫游,难以在家住定。




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