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词汇 umbrella
例句 If you're looking for the umbrella, check in the closet.如果要找雨伞,看看壁柜里有没有。An umbrella will keep you from getting wet.有把雨伞,你就可以避免淋湿。I was sitting in a lounger under an umbrella.我正坐在伞下的一张安乐椅上。I left without my umbrella.我没有带伞就出来了。Just to be on the safe side, take an umbrella.为保险起见,带上把伞吧。Oh no, I left my umbrella behind!唉,见鬼,我把雨伞给落下了。Be sensible and take your umbrella with you.聪明些把伞带上。He walked briskly along swinging his rolled-up umbrella.他摇着收起的伞步履轻快地走在路上。It was careless of you to leave your umbrella in the train.你真不当心,把伞忘在火车上。There's a trick to folding up this umbrella.收起这把伞是有窍门的。An umbrella sheltered them from the sun.一把伞为他们遮挡太阳。She answered with a brandish of her umbrella.她挥动著伞回答。She took my umbrella by mistake.她误拿了我的伞。He ran an umbrella out to her before she drove off.她驾车离去之前,他拿了把雨伞跑出来递给她。She prodded him in the back with her umbrella.她用她的雨伞捅他的背。Corn is an umbrella word for wheat, barley and oats.谷物是小麦、大麦和燕麦的总称。He took his umbrella so that he shouldn't get wet.他带了雨伞,这样就不会淋湿了。She had his umbrella to protect her from the rain.她有他的伞来挡雨。It's supposed to be bad luck to open an umbrella in the house.在屋里打伞据说是不吉利的。I felt a few drops of rain, so I put my umbrella up.我感到有几滴雨点,于是便撑起了雨伞。I can always depend on it to rain on days when I forget my umbrella.我敢肯定,要是哪天我忘记带伞,那天准保下雨。Hurry up with the umbrella - I'm getting wet!快打伞—我都给淋湿了!It may rain; you'd better take an umbrella in case.可能要下雨;你最好带把伞,以防万一。We don't need an umbrella. On second thoughts, maybe we do.我们不需要伞,但是再想想,或许还是需要的。She ran out with an umbrella and held it over my head.她拿着伞跑出来,打在我的头顶。I must have left my umbrella behind.我肯定是把伞落下了。I left my umbrella on the bus yesterday.我昨天把伞落在公交车上了。Where's my umbrella? Oh yes – I left it in the car.我的伞呢? 噢,对了 — 我把它落在车里了。My umbrella's drying off in the hall.我的雨伞正放在走廊里晾干呢。Deciding to brave the weather, he grabbed his umbrella and went out.他决定冒雨前去,抓起伞就出门了。He held a furled umbrella in one hand.他一只手里拿着一把收拢的雨伞。It's raining. I'd better get out the umbrella.下雨了,我最好把雨伞拿出来。He twirled his umbrella as he walked.他边走边转动手中的伞。Her umbrella is capped with a glass knob.她的伞的顶端装有一个玻璃圆头。I bought an umbrella policy that insures my car, jewelry, and house.我购买了一份综合性保单,为我的汽车、珠宝和房子都上了保险。She held the umbrella over both of us.她撑着伞,为我们两人挡雨。Take your umbrella, it's spitting.带上伞吧,下着小雨呢。The woman whose umbrella you took is very angry about it.你拿了那女士的伞,她为此很生气。The rain may hold off, but it won't hurt to take your umbrella.雨可能一时不会下,不过带把伞总没有坏处。The frame of the umbrella is made of metal.伞的骨架是金属制的。




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