例句 |
She squared her account at the store.她在商店里结清帐目。There's not so much amiss with his accounts.在他的帐目上没有出什么大差错。That klutz lost several account receipts, so the accountants were upset.那个傻瓜掉了几张帐目收据,因此会计很不高兴。They had to do some creative accountancy to balance their accounts.他们必须做假帐才能平衡帐目。The accounts show we have spent more than we received.帐目显示我们已经入不敷出了。The cashier juggled the accounts to hide his theft.那个出纳员窜改帐目,企图隐瞒他盗用钱款的行径。She checked the items in the bill.她检查了帐单上的帐目。He was accused of doctoring the accounts.他被指控窜改帐目。 |