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例句 Eighty divided by four equals twenty.八十除以四等于二十。This act was a signal to his victim's friends that he was someone to be reckoned with.此举等于告诉其受害者的朋友们他不好对付。A micron is one-thousandth of a millimetre.一微米等于千分之一毫米。The area of a rectangle is its height times its width.长方形的面积等于长乘以宽。There are two pints to a quart.一夸脱等于两品脱。We had often talked about emigrating to Australia. Suzie came from Melbourne, so it would be just like going home for her.我们经常在说要移民澳大利亚,苏齐是墨尔本人,对她来说就等于是回家。When young people experiment with drugs, they're dicing with death.年轻人尝试吸毒就等于在玩命。He who wills success is halfway to it.热切争取成功的人等于成功了一半。His answer was tantamount to an insult.他的回答等于侮辱。To become a disciple of his is to make a lifetime commitment.成为他的信徒就等于许下了终身的承诺。Eight into twenty-four is three.二十四除以八等于三。He'd just be cutting his own throat if he left now.他如果现在离开就等于毁了自己。She practically accused me of starting the fire!她实际上等于指控是我放的火!The Egyptians inhabit an area almost equal to France and Spain combined.埃及人居住的那一片土地,面积差不多等于法国和西班牙的总和。The deal amounts to something of a snub for the rival online music company.做这笔交易等于是有些冷落了对手的在线音乐公司。Three plus two is five.三加二等于五。Their decision to begin bombing was, to all intents and purposes, a declaration of war.他们决定开始轰炸,实际上等于宣战。This is the point where total cost equals total revenue.这就是总花费等于总收入的那一点。An eighth of a pound is two ounces.八分之一磅等于两盎司。It would be presuming on his generosity to ask him for money.问他要钱那等于是在利用他的慷慨占他的便宜。He considered the note tantamount to a declaration of war.他认为这份照会等于宣战。He gave what amounted to an apology on behalf of his company.他的话等于是替公司道了歉。Three plus two equals five.三加二等于五。This amounts to a refusal.等于拒绝。Capping costs serves only to load the dice even further against the injury victim.给费用定上限等于给伤者伤口上撒盐。Her refusal to answer was tantamount to an admission of guilt.她拒绝回答等于是认罪。The period of revolution of the Earth around the Sun is equal to one year.地球绕太阳公转的周期等于一年。One hundred centimeters make one meter.一百公分等于一公尺。By not dealing with the problem of radioactive waste, we are putting the lives of future generations at risk.我们不处理放射性废弃物的问题,就等于把子孙后代的生命置于险境而不顾。The reality of the situation is that by sending drug users to jail, the government may be discouraging people from seeking treatment.实际的情况是,把吸毒的人送进监狱,就等于政府不鼓励他们寻求戒毒治疗。This amounts to doing the whole thing over again.这就等于要把整个事重做一遍。Her decision to leave the company to work for our competitors was a slap in the face.她决定离开公司去为竞争对手工作,这等于打了我们一记耳光。The acceleration of a body equals the force exerted on it divided by its mass.物体所受外力除以其质量等于加速度。Reducing the number of police is just a thieves' charter.减少警力等于是给窃贼开了通行证。His reply is equivalent to a refusal.他的回答等于是拒绝。With oysters, as with all seafood, freshness equals quality.对于牡蛎以及其他海鲜而言,新鲜就等于高品质。Her parents are understandably afraid of opening a Pandora's box if they buy her a car.她的父母有理由担心,给她买一辆车就等于是打开了潘多拉魔盒。If you haven't seen Venice, you haven't lived.如果你没到过威尼斯,就等于白活了一场。His silence was tantamount to a refusal.他的沉默就等于拒绝。One hundredth has the same value as point o one.百分之一等于零点零一。




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