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Bruno had been working hard in the kitchen all morning.整个早上,布鲁诺都在厨房里忙个不停。When she heard Bruno's voice, it sent a chill of terror through her.当听到布鲁诺的声音时,她恐惧得全身打了个寒颤。Bruno was hoping to blend in with the crowd and escape unnoticed.布鲁诺希望混进人群里,然后悄悄地溜走。Bruno was a quiet and obedient little boy.布鲁诺是个文静听话的小男孩。Maria suddenly started screeching at Bruno.玛丽亚突然冲着布鲁诺尖叫起来。Bruno clowned and won affection everywhere.布鲁诺很会耍活宝,到哪儿都受到大家的喜爱。Bruno has not got his younger brother's jokey manner.布鲁诺还无法理解他弟弟诙谐的举止。Bruno was absolutely seething.布鲁诺简直是怒火中烧。 |