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词汇 布莱尔
例句 Tony Blair's autobiography was a bestseller.托尼·布莱尔的自传曾十分畅销。If Mr Blair thinks he is off the hook, he is sadly mistaken.布莱尔先生要是认为他已经摆脱困境,那就大错特错了。It had been an unwitting blunder on Blair's part.它曾是布莱尔的无心之失。Blair is known for his espousal of family.布莱尔是有名的家庭拥护者。Mr Blair, I fancy, considers himself a strong prime minister.我以为,布莱尔先生认为自己是个很强的首相。Mr Blair trumpeted Mr Field's appointment as an earnest of his commitment to reform.布莱尔先生宣扬说,对菲尔德先生的任命是他致力改革的明证。Blair was once a frequent guest at Levy's house in north London.布莱尔曾经是莱维在伦敦北部家中的常客。Blair won a third term of office.布莱尔赢得第三个任期。Mr Blair pointed out that release of the women was not even in his gift.布莱尔先生指出,他甚至无权释放这些妇女。Blair aimed his criticism at corporations promoting and distributing offensive materials.布莱尔的批评是针对那些推销和销售进攻性物资的公司。The first attack on Mr Blair came moments before he was due to speak.布莱尔先生最先受到的抨击发生在他即将发表演讲的时候。Dena looked appealingly at Blair, hoping to hear a contrary opinion.德娜恳切地看着布莱尔,希望听到相反的观点。For journalists picking over Blair's crisis, this was more evidence of the government losing its grip.对于那些密切关注布莱尔危机的记者来说,这进一步证明政府已无法掌控局面。Professor Blair is giving a series of lectures on Einstein's theories.布莱尔教授在作有关爱因斯坦理论的系列讲座。Anybody who knows Greg doesn't for a moment suppose that he would truckle to Blair.只要是认识格雷格的人,就根本不会相信他会向布莱尔屈服。Blair returned empty-handed after a series of embarrassments and diplomatic setbacks.在经历了一系列尴尬和外交挫折后,布莱尔无功而返。Blair will return to London tonight.今晚布莱尔将返回伦敦。There's a mountain road that goes from Blairstown to Millbrook Village.有一条山路从布莱尔斯敦通向米尔布鲁克村。Many Britons worry that Blair has trailed too tamely behind Mr Bush.很多英国人对布莱尔亦步亦趋地跟着布什先生感到担忧。She looked appreciatively at Blair's lovely pictures.她欣赏着布莱尔可爱的照片。Blair's kitchen cabinet are a group of friends he has gathered over many years.布莱尔的政府参谋团是一群他多年来结交的朋友。As you might imagine, the Conservatives are delighted at Blair's embarrassment.不出所料,保守党对布莱尔的窘境感到幸灾乐祸。Blair would be wise to listen to some of the dissenting voices in his party.布莱尔要是能够听一听党内某些反对的声音那就聪明了。Tony Blair claimed that New Labour is the Third Way between capitalism and socialism.托尼‧布莱尔声称新工党奉行的是资本主义与社会主义之间的第三种理念。When Smith died, Blair took over the leadership of the party.史密斯去世后,布莱尔接任该党的领导。For Mr Blair the political stakes could hardly have been higher.布莱尔来说,这已经是最高的政治赌注了。Blair will be speaking to an invited audience at the Royal Academy.布莱尔将在皇家艺术院对应邀而至的观众发表讲话。He eventually withdrew in favour of Blair, thought to be the more popular candidate.他最终转而支持布莱尔这位被认为是更受欢迎的候选人。Tony Blair last night tightened his grip on Labour mps with new powers to root out troublemakers.昨晚,托尼·布莱尔利用新赋予的权力铲除了制造事端者,加强了对工党议员的控制。Britain's relationship with other members of the European Union presents Blair with problems, just as it did for the Tories.和保守党人一样,英国同其他欧盟成员国的关系也给布莱尔带来了难题。The Blairgowrie Highland Games, on the other hand, are the real thing rather than a media event.另一方面,布莱尔高里高地赛确实是真正的比赛,而不单是媒体盛事。UK Prime Minister Tony Blair said the British should stand shoulder to shoulder with the American people.英国首相布莱尔说英国人民应当同美国人民肩并肩站在一起。Mr Blair said he had been encouraged by recent Irish statements about the issue.布莱尔先生说最近爱尔兰有关这一问题的声明使他看到了希望。Blair's concession of the referendum marks the moment when politics formally bowed the knee.布莱尔政府在公民投票问题上的让步正式标志着其在政治上正式作出妥协。Blair was tolerated by Bush and his minders as long as he agreed with them.布什和他的助手们会继续容忍布莱尔,只要布莱尔和他们观点一致。Eric Blair wrote under the pseudonym of George Orwell.埃里克・布莱尔用乔治・奥韦尔这个笔名进行写作。There's a road that goes from Blairstown to Millbrook.有一条路从布莱尔斯敦通向米尔布鲁克。Public sector unions are likely to oppose Blair's move away from government investment in health and transport.国营部门工会可能会反对布莱尔减少政府投资医疗和交通的做法。Alice corroborated what Blair had said.艾丽斯证实了布莱尔所说的。George Orwell was a pseudonym - his real name was Eric Blair.乔治‧奥威尔是笔名,他的真名是埃里克‧布莱尔




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