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She feared she was becoming a matronly old woman.她担心自己正逐渐变成一个韶华已逝的老年妇女。To my dear departed Grandad in loving memory.深切缅怀我已逝的祖父。She had lost a good deal of her bloom and bounce.她大量的青春年华已逝去。Germany's asylum law is a relic of an era in European history which has passed.德国的收容法是欧洲历史上一个已逝去时期的遗留产物。All those years, vanished beyond recall, seemed utterly wasted.这些年的光阴已逝,无法挽回,恰似虚度。All the intervening years have eroded away without a trace.其间那些年的时光已逝,无处追寻。 |