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词汇 初学者
例句 The course is designed for beginners.这门课程是为初学者设计的。When it comes to using computers, I'm an absolute beginner.在使用电脑方面,我完全是个初学者It's not really suited to absolute beginners.它并不真正适合从零开始的初学者The courses will give the beginner personal tuition in all types of outdoor photography.该课程将为初学者一对一地讲授各种户外摄影技巧。The driving course teaches beginners the basics.驾驶课教授初学者基础知识。As a learner rider you must not carry a pillion passenger.作为摩托车初学者,切勿后座载人。Most of the people in the class were tyros like me.班上的大部分人都是像我一样的初学者We'll be put in the novice group.我们将被分到初学者这一组。This book is OK for beginners but it's not really suitable for more advanced students.这本书给初学者使用还可以,但是程度较高的学生使用不是很适合。The grammar guide falls between two stools - it's too difficult for a beginner but not detailed enough for an advanced student.这本语法指南对初学者和水平高的学生都不适用——对初学者太难,对水平高的学生又不够详细。She bought a starter piano for her daughter.她为女儿买了一架适合初学者用的钢琴。Beginners will have two introductory lessons.初学者将上两节入门课。The course will give the beginner personal tuition in all types of outdoor photography.该课程将对初学者一对一讲授各种户外摄影技巧。The ski school coaches beginners, intermediates, and advanced skiers.滑雪学校训练指导初学者及中级与高级滑雪者。The people that she had in her classroom were beginning learners.她带的这班学生都是初学者Good training will give a beginner the confidence to enjoy skiing.良好的训练会给初学者带来享受滑雪乐趣的自信心。They have a good range of entry-level computers for beginners.他们有各种供初学者使用的入门级电脑。Unless you've got money to burn, these expensive guitars are not the instruments to get you started.除非你钱多得没地方用,这些昂贵的吉他可不是供初学者用的。If you're a beginner, steer clear of resorts with reputations for difficult skiing.如果你是初学者,那就不要去以滑雪难度大闻名的度假胜地。That wasn't bad, for a beginner!那不算糟,对于一个初学者来说!In amateur photography the beginner's classic blunder is the double exposure.在业余摄影中初学者最易犯的错误就是两次曝光。This book is in no sense intended for beginners. = In no sense is this book intended for beginners. 这本书绝不是为初学者准备的。This is a flexible and user-friendly system suitable for beginners and advanced users alike.这是个灵活易用的系统,对初学者和高级用户都同样适用。The Badminton Club holds coaching sessions for beginners and intermediate players on Friday evenings.羽毛球俱乐部每周五晚上为初学者与中等水平练习者开设训练课程。The pool is divided into three sections with a crawler lane for beginners.泳池分三部分,有为初学者而设的慢泳道。This class is just for beginners. Why don't you try the class next door?这个班只为初学者而设,你为什么不到隔壁班去看看呢?I started on the beginners' run.我在初学者滑道上开始。This judo class is for beginners only.这门柔道课程是专为初学者开设的。The tennis club welcomes beginners as well as more advanced players.本网球俱乐部欢迎初学者加入,也欢迎水平较高的球员加入。This book is not really suited to absolute beginners.这本书并不真的适合绝对的初学者The course is suitable for beginners and advanced students.这门课程适合于初学者和高级学习者。The course is designed to teach beginners. 这门课程是为初学者设置的。The book is compiled especially for beginners.这本书是专门为初学者编写的。I bought a copy of A Beginner's Guide to Flower Arranging.我买了本《插花初学者手册》。This book gives some useful tips for the beginner. 这本书给初学者提供了一些有用的建议。This book is adapted for beginners.本书经过改写以适合初学者As a beginner, she needs quite a lot of encouragement.作为初学者,她需要大量的鼓励。She showed little consideration for the beginners.她不怎么关照初学者




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