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词汇 差劲
例句 There were these awful people sitting behind us who talked all through the film.就是这些差劲的人坐在我们后面,整场电影放映期间一直在说话。The service in that hotel was disgraceful.那个酒店的服务差劲得很。That was the worst movie I've ever seen.那是我看过的最差劲的一部电影。His poor performance squashed any hope he had of a promotion.差劲的表现使他升职的希望彻底粉碎。He played crummy at today's football game.在今天的足球比赛中,他表现得差劲Her children's behaviour is sometimes so bad that it leaves her speechless.孩子们的表现有时差劲得令她无话可说。You're a loser, Bill.比尔,你真差劲Buying the car was a bad idea.买车是个差劲的主意。His track record in this field is pretty poor.他在这一业界的过往表现非常差劲These blokes are just bad losers who should get a life.这些家伙真是一帮差劲的废物,应该找点有用的事做。The food in this place is terrible muck.这里的饭菜差劲极了。To say that you are a poor cook is to do yourself an injustice.说你是个差劲的厨师确实冤枉你了。The graphics are slightly ropey.这些图表质量有点差劲He did a miserable job making the sign. 他的标牌做得非常差劲The crowd taunted the athlete for his poor performance.人群因运动员成绩差劲而奚落他。I was so badly behaved I was convinced she would be glad to see the back of me.我的表现如此差劲,相信她会很高兴看到我离开。They protested about the bad food at the hotel.他们对宾馆差劲的伙食提出意见。She was the flatmate from hell.她是最差劲的室友。He blasted the lawyers for submitting such shabby paperwork.他骂那些律师提交的书面材料太差劲The team was rather ragged in the first half of the game.这支球队上半场踢得相当差劲What pathetic excuses.差劲的借口啊!The team put on a poor show in the second half.球队下半场表现差劲They did a rotten job.他们干的活儿太差劲了。We played a rotten game. 这场比赛我们的表现太差劲了。He was worse than any carpenter I know.他比我认识的任何一位木匠都差劲The team gave a miserable performance.球队表现得极其差劲The system sucks.这个系统太差劲了。That is the most feeble excuse for failing a test that I have ever heard.这是我听到过的对考试不及格的最差劲的借口。The team's poor performance dissatisfied the coach.球队打得差劲,教练大为不满。He can dance well, but as a singer he is pathetic!他舞跳得好,但作为歌手就差劲啦! Why do doctors have such terrible handwriting?为什么医生写的字都这么差劲He was a sorry excuse for a human being.他曾是个差劲的人。There can be no argument about how lousy he is at public relations.毋庸置疑,他在公关方面很是差劲The hotel was full of badly behaved celebrities.这家酒店里尽是些举止差劲的名流。This place is full of whingers. It's just pathetic.这地方全是嘀嘀咕咕发牢骚的人。真是差劲What's wrong with comprehensive schools is that they fail to teach children properly. They just underperform.综合中学的问题出在他们没能教好孩子。他们的工作就是差劲Such a poor player would be an inept choice as captain.这样差劲的运动员可不是充任队长的合适人选。He had a poor showing in the tournament.他在锦标赛中表现差劲The concert was a good one, but because of bad publicity, very few people came.这是一场很出色的音乐会,但因广告做得差劲,到场的人很少。The students' poor performance on the tests is a sad commentary on the current state of education in this country.学生们在考试中的差劲表现说明这个国家的教育现状很糟。




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