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词汇 cheaper
例句 Those less-known companies manufacture equivalent products at cheaper prices.那些不太出名的公司生产同样的产品,价格却更便宜。It's a major research program, aimed at developing cheaper fuels.这是一项重大研究计划,旨在研制出更廉价的燃料。The car cost more than I could afford, so I bought a cheaper model.这款车的价格超出了我的支付能力,所以我买了较便宜的一款。It's cheaper to pay for your car hire before you go.在走前付车租会更便宜。Buying store brands certainly works out cheaper.购买商店自有品牌的商品肯定能省钱。I bet you could have got that cheaper at the market.我打赌,那个东西在市场上买肯定更便宜。Replace champagne with a cheaper alternative.把香槟换成便宜一些的酒。Supermarket lines are often cheaper than branded goods.超市的商品常常比品牌货便宜。The cheaper drugs are just as effective in treating arthritis.较便宜的药品对治疗关节炎同样有效。It is cheaper to have extra building work done when the builder is on site.建筑工人在现场干活时让他干点额外的活儿,工钱会便宜一些。Computers have become cheaper and hence more available.电脑便宜了,因而也就更常见了。This gas station is cheaper than the one by the highway.这个加油站比公路旁的那个收费低。More productive farmers have been able to provide cheaper food.产量高的农户能提供更便宜的食品。The question is whether road transit is cheaper than rail.问题在于公路运输是否比铁路运输便宜。It's cheaper to go there out of season.淡季去那儿省钱。Groceries are cheaper on the American side so Canadians often shop there.美国这边的杂货更便宜,所以加拿大人常常去美国那边购物。It's annoying that we can't travel until Thursday, but the upside is that tickets are cheaper then.烦人的是我们要等到周四才能出发去旅行,但好处是到时票价会便宜些。She would rather/sooner work four jobs than move out of Manhattan to live somewhere cheaper.她宁肯打四份工,也不愿意搬离曼哈顿,住到便宜的地方去。The new car is smaller and therefore cheaper.这辆新车比较小,因此就比较便宜。In the end we lost out to a French company because they could do the job cheaper.我们最终输给了一家法国公司,因为他们干这工作成本较低。I decided that it would in fact be cheaper to buy than rent.我认为实际上买可能比租更便宜。They found their way to the cheaper seats.他们设法弄到了较便宜的座位。Men make jokes about women drivers, but women have the last laugh – their insurance rates are cheaper.男人嘲笑女司机,但是最后获胜的却是女人 — 她们的保费更低。She always buys the cheaper cuts of meat.她总是买比较便宜的部位的肉。We want to make it possible for African companies to produce cheaper generic drugs.我们要设法使非洲公司可以生产较为便宜的非专利药品。Personalising your car has never been cheaper.定制汽车从来都没这么便宜过。I try to buy furniture at auctions because it is cheaper that way.我尽量在拍卖会上买家具,因为那样较便宜。Store brands are cheaper than name brands.商店品牌商品比名牌商品便宜。It would be much cheaper to send the goods freight.把货物集中发运会便宜得多。The latest model seems likely to be a failure since cheaper versions are now available.现在已有更廉价的款式出售,这批最新产品看样子很可能失败。When I peeled the label off I discovered that the old price was $2 cheaper.我把标签撕下来时,发现原价要便宜两美元。In fact the trip worked out cheaper than we'd expected.实际上,这次旅行花的钱比我们预计的少。Companies normally expect to borrow at cheaper rates than ordinary people have to pay.公司一般希望得到比普通利率低的贷款。Anything that's cheap this year will be even cheaper next year.今年的便宜货明年会更便宜。Because we're such a large family, we find it cheaper to bulk-buy foods we eat a lot of.因为我们是一大家人,我们发现大批量买进消费量大的食品更便宜。Homeowners in the eurozone enjoy cheaper mortgages than we do here in Britain.欧元区内的房屋所有者享有比我们英国更低的抵押贷款利率。We were losing customers to cheaper rivals.我们的客户被出价更低的竞争对手抢去了。An indirect flight from Rome to Marseilles would be cheaper.罗马到马赛的非直达航班会比较便宜。The company decided to relocate to the suburbs because the rent was much cheaper.公司决定搬到城郊去,因为那里的租金便宜得多。It is pitched as a cheaper alternative to other workstations.它被定为替代其他工作站较便宜的一个选择。




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