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词汇 尼娜
例句 There were no restaurants, no hotels, none of the life Nina thought she could step into.没有餐馆,没有旅店,尼娜从未想过自己会过这样的生活。Nina took a kind of dark pleasure in being the focus of the tension between her father and her brother.对成了父亲和哥哥紧张关系的焦点,尼娜有点幸灾乐祸。Elliot and Nina discovered a shared passion for poetry.埃利奥特和尼娜发现了彼此都热爱诗歌。As the meeting progressed, Nina grew more and more bored.随着会议继续进行,尼娜越来越烦。Nina remained on the fringe of the crowd.尼娜一直在人群的外围。Nina's son is in the army.尼娜的儿子在军队里服役。In a fury of frustration and fear Nina bit his hand.尼娜一阵懊恼和害怕,咬了他的手。Without Nina's help I wouldn't be where I am today professionally.要是没有尼娜的帮助,就没有我今天的事业。You must have heard the tales about Nina.你一定已经听到有关尼娜的传闻了。Nina had been playing the piano.尼娜一直都在弹钢琴。Nina gave the dog a friendly pat on the head.尼娜友好地轻轻拍了拍狗的脑袋。The bus was only half full. Even so, a young man asked Nina if the seat next to her was taken.公共汽车上只坐满了一半。尽管如此,一个年轻男子还是问尼娜她旁边的座位有没有人坐。Nina couldn't take her eyes off Philip.尼娜无法将她的视线从菲利普身上移开。She inducts Nina into the cult.她诱导尼娜加入这一邪教。Nina had happy memories of her childhood on the farm.尼娜对于在农场上度过的童年有着美好的回忆。Nina was growing bored.尼娜变得越来越烦闷了。Nina can, apparently, levitate a small ball between her hands.尼娜似乎能让一个小球悬浮在两手之间。His eyes met Nina's and she smiled.他的目光和尼娜相遇,尼娜笑了。Nina chewed her lower lip anxiously.尼娜焦虑不安地咬着下唇。Nina was only dimly aware of the doctor coming in.尼娜只是迷迷糊糊地知道医生进来了。Nina's eyes met her sisters' across the table.尼娜与桌子对面的姐妹们目光相遇。Don't worry about Nina, she always falls on her feet.别为尼娜担心,她每次都能逢凶化吉。Nina managed to free herself and began beating at the flames with a pillow.尼娜好不容易挣脱出来,拿起枕头用力扑打火焰。Nina pushed in next to Liddie.尼娜加塞儿排在利迪后边。He said he'd ask Nina for a divorce, but he never did anything about it.他说会跟尼娜提出离婚,可是他却从未付诸实际。That must be Nina coming in right now.现在一定是尼娜进来了。Nina had made mugs of tea for them both.尼娜为他们两个都泡了杯茶。Nina moved the coals about with the poker.尼娜用拨火棍翻动煤块。Nina seems to be set on marrying him.尼娜好像是铁了心要嫁给他了。Nina's parents paid for extra tuition to help her with her maths.尼娜的父母额外出钱请老师帮她补习数学。Nina handed round mugs of hot coffee.尼娜把一大杯一大杯的热咖啡端给大家。Sarah made a mental note to ask Janine about it later.萨拉心里记着一会儿要向雅尼娜问问这事。Nina's voice sounded strained.尼娜的声音听起来有点疲惫。Nina keeps the kitchen absolutely spotless.尼娜把厨房料理得一尘不染。Nina could never escape the inevitable comparisons that people made between her and her twin.尼娜总是免不了让别人把她和她的孪生妹妹作比较。Nina Ananiashvili and Alexei Fadeyechev from the Bolshoi Ballet dance the leads.由莫斯科大剧院芭蕾舞团的尼娜·阿纳尼阿什维利和阿列克谢·法捷耶切夫担纲演出。Nina licked the melted chocolate off her fingers.尼娜舔去手指上融化了的巧克力。Nina and Mary were in the kitchen, cleaning up after dinner.吃过晚饭,尼娜和玛丽在厨房里收拾。Nina, blushing with embarrassment, began to stammer.尼娜尴尬得满脸通红,开始结巴起来。Don't pay any attention to Nina - she doesn't know what she's talking about.别理睬尼娜——她都不知道自己在说什么。




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