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词汇 restoration
例句 The restoration of the ceiling was completed over a period of two years.天花板的修复在两年内完成。They have undertaken a careful restoration of the building.他们对大楼进行了细致的修复。Activists are demanding the restoration of democracy.活动家们要求恢复民主。The restoration of the old theater is a huge/major/massive undertaking.重建这座老剧院是一项巨大的工程。The French government has condemned the coup in Haiti and has demanded the restoration of the legitimate government.法国政府对海地政变表示谴责,并要求恢复合法政府的地位。They bought the house with an eye toward its restoration.他们买下这栋房子,是为了对它进行整修。He urged the restoration of hanging and flogging.他力主恢复绞刑和鞭刑。I would like to contribute to the church restoration fund.我愿向教堂修缮基金捐款。He is still at work on the restoration.他仍忙着做维修工作。A handful of cinema's certifiable masterpieces are in need of restoration.有几部真正的电影杰作需要修复。The building is undergoing restoration.大楼正在进行翻修。Many of the original materials were reused in the restoration of the building.有很多原先的材料重新用在了该建筑物的修复之中。This inevitably led to the restoration of cuts in the public sector.这就势必导致公共经济部门的重新削减。Many of the older paintings have undergone extensive restoration.许多古旧画作都进行了大规模修复。Both architects specialize in the restoration of historic buildings.两位建筑师都是专门从事古建筑修复的。I owe the restoration of my hearing to this technique.多亏这项技术,我恢复了听力。The house is a restoration of an ancient mansion.这房屋是按一幢古宅的原样重建的。They were committed to the eventual restoration of a traditional monarchy.他们致力于传统君主政体的最终恢复。The army's task was the restoration of public order.军队的任务是恢复社会秩序。A compromise has to be reached between all the powerful vested interests before any restoration work in the city can take place.势力强大的各既得利益集团间必须先达成妥协,城市整修工作才有可能开始。A share issue has been launched to finance the restoration of the building.已发行了股票为修复这栋大楼融资。He hopes for restoration to his old job.他希望能够复职。The French government has condemned the coup in Haiti and has demanded the restoration of the legitimate government.法国政府对海地政变予以谴责,并要求恢复其合法政府。The town called for a restoration of the law.小镇呼吁恢复法治。I shall vote against the restoration of capital punishment.我将投票反对恢复死刑。This suburb has been the accidental beneficiary of a large restoration programme.这个郊区是一项大规模重建计划的意外受益者。Next week there will be a debate on the restoration of capital punishment.下个星期将举行一次有关恢复死刑的辩论会。The palace is closed for restoration.宫殿因整修而停止开放。The old house has undergone a loving restoration.这座旧房子已经过精心修复。This historic building is currently awaiting restoration.这座有历史意义的建筑物正等待修复。Protesters called for the full restoration of civil liberties.抗议者要求全面恢复公民自由。They're fighting for the restoration of democratic rights.他们正在为恢复民主权利而斗争。His visit is expected to lead to the restoration of diplomatic relations.人们期待他的出访会恢复外交关系。The government has awarded a grant for the restoration of the building.政府已拨款修缮该楼。What is needed is the restoration of law and order.现在需要的是恢复法律和秩序。I specialized in the restoration of old houses.我专门从事旧房翻修。




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