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例句 He was put into jail but absconded within a few days.他被投入监狱,但几天后就越狱潜逃了。The smaller each pixel, the greater their number and thus the higher the resolution of the picture.单个像素越小,像素数目就越多,图片的分辨率就越高。The risk of cancer increases with the number of cigarettes you smoke.吸烟越多,得癌的危险就越大。It is an almost universal truth that the more we are promoted in a job, the less we actually exercise the skills we initially used to perform it.这几乎是一条普遍的真理:我们在某一工作中越往上晋升,实际运用那些当初在工作中经常实践的技能的机会就越少。As we grow old, we worry more about our health.年纪越大,我们就越担心自己的健康状况。The more I thought about Carrie's suggestion, the more doubtful I became.我越考虑卡丽的建议就越有疑虑。The path steepened as we approached the summit.我们越靠近山峰,路就越陡。To TV game producers, humiliation is sweet nectar.对电视游戏制作者来说,越丢脸的事物就越受欢迎。Sometimes it seems like the less I do, the more tired I feel.有时候我好像活儿干得越少就越觉得累。Navigation becomes more difficult further up the river.越往河的上游,航行就越困难。You make the heat ten times worse by crabbing about it.你越是叫热就越热。Rising dependence on imported oil would open the doors to higher fuel prices.越是依赖进口石油,燃料价格就越涨。The higher the risk of lending money, the higher is the interest rate demanded by the lenders.贷款的风险越大,贷方索要的利率就越高。The less he works, the more he complains.他工作得越少,抱怨就越多。The wind always picks up in the evening.一到晚上,风就越刮越大。The earlier the treatment is given, the better the patient's chances.病人越早接受治疗,康复的可能性就越大。As he grew angrier, his accent broadened.他越愤怒时,口音就越重。The better off he became, the less he thought about other people.他生活过得越优裕,就越少考虑其他人。The more they probed into his background, the more inflamed their suspicions would become.他们越调查他的背景,疑团就越多。Her voice tapered off as she realized everyone was listening.当她意识到大家都在听时,她的声音就越来越小了。The more I heard about him, the more fascinated I became.他的事我听到得越多,我就越对他入迷。The sooner we leave, the sooner we'll get there.我们出发得越早,到那儿也就越早。The cost of insurance increases in proportion to the performance of the car.汽车的性能越好,保险费用就越高。The more fruit and vegetables you eat, the less chance you have of getting cancer.吃的蔬菜、水果越多,得癌症的可能性就越低。The longer you let it ride, the harder it will be to fix later.这事儿你拖得越久,以后就越难办。Breathing became more difficult as we got higher up the mountain.我们往山上走得越高,呼吸就越困难。The longer you vacillate the less time you'll have to do anything worthwhile.你越是犹豫,余下来做有价值的事的时间就越少。Paradoxically, the less you have to do the more you may resent the work that does come your way.矛盾的是,你手头的事越少,一旦有工作落在头上,你就越会愤愤不平。The better I know him the more I admire his abilities.我越是了解他,就越钦佩他的才能。The first part of the movie was pretty good, but after that it was all downhill.电影的前半部分很不错,但后来就越来越差了。The more they try to silence us, the more we will speak out.他们越是想让我们沉默,我们就越会公开表达意见。The longer your child can go without needing a filling, the better.孩子越晚需要补牙就越好。We lost at Oxford, but since then we've been on the up and up and won our last four games.我们在牛津输了,但是后来就越来越好,打赢了最后的四场比赛。The earlier the treatment is given, the better the patient's chances of recovery.越早治疗,病人痊愈的机会就越大。Jets burn less fuel the higher they go.喷气式飞机飞得越高用的燃料就越少。His attraction to her grew over the course of their time together.他们在一起的时间越长,他对她就越着迷。The longer this situation obtains, the more extensive the problems become.这种局面持续的时间越长,问题波及的范围就越广。The thicker the material, the less susceptible the garment will be to wet conditions.布料越厚实,衣服就越不容易浸湿。The more successful we are at prolonging longevity, the more it will cost us in elderly care costs.我们延长寿命的工作做得越成功,养老的费用就越高。There is a downside to it: the more she remembers, the more bitter she feels.这样有不好的一面:她记起得越多就越痛苦。




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