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词汇 吹牛
例句 Morris is a bighead; he was a bighead even before he became a supervisor.莫里斯是个爱吹牛的人。他在当上主管之前已经是个自夸的家伙。He bragged as how he could run faster than anybody else.吹牛说他能跑得比任何人都快。At the risk of sounding boastful I came first.冒着听起来像吹牛的风险,我先来吧。Even though I do say it myself we've probably got the best little restaurant in town.不是我吹牛,我们的小饭店可能是全城最好的。Tom is always talking tall. Don't believe him.汤姆老是吹牛,别相信他。He's always boasting. He's such a bighead!他老是吹牛。真是个自负的家伙!I listened as he gassed nonstop.我听着他滔滔不绝地吹牛He's only shooting a line. Don't believe him.他只不过吹牛罢了,你别信他的。No one likes his big talk.人人都讨厌他的吹牛Henry bragged that his bicycle was the fastest.亨利吹牛说他的自行车最快。I don't mean to brag, but my pecan pie is the best.我并不想吹牛,但是我的山核桃馅饼是最好的。He bragged that the test was easy, but when he saw his grade he changed his tune.吹牛说考试很简单,但看到自己的分数时却变了口气。His speech was just hot air.他的话就是吹牛Ralph's all talk. I wouldn't take him too seriously if I were you.拉尔夫爱吹牛。我如果是你,就不会把他的话太当真。John is never a blower.约翰从来就不是个吹牛家。Tom is always talking big. Don't believe him.汤姆老是吹牛,别相信他。People get tired of a man who is always blowing his own horn.人们对老是吹牛的人感到厌烦。




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