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例句 It fits Orwell's guidelines almost uncannily.这与奥韦尔的指导方针出奇地吻合The cloth had a natural look which coincided perfectly with the image Laura sought.这种布料看上去质地天然,和劳拉所期望的形象完全吻合She found that the positions of the party and her own opinions dovetailed nicely.她发现那个党派的立场与自己的观点十分吻合File away any excess metal until a snug fit is achieved.锉平多余的金属直到完全吻合Her story doesn't quite square with the evidence.她的说法与证据不太吻合The illustrations chimed in perfectly with the story.这些插图与故事内容完全吻合The author can report other people's results which more or less agree with hers.作者可以提及其他人得出的和她自己基本吻合的结果。The lining of the boot molds itself to the shape of your foot.靴子的衬里会逐渐和脚形吻合The suspect matched the descriptions provided by witnesses.这名嫌疑犯和目击者提供的描述基本吻合My vacation plans dovetail nicely with Joyce's.我的度假计划与乔伊丝的很吻合The copy closely matches the original.副本和原件很吻合His teeth slotted exactly into the bite marks in the apple.他的牙齿与苹果上的齿痕完全吻合The description of these events corresponds closely to other accounts written at the time.对这些事件的描述与当时的其他记录非常吻合Our wedding had to tie in with David leaving the army.我们的婚礼要和戴维退伍的时间吻合The artist's illustrations chime in perfectly with the text.画家的插图与文本内容完全吻合The sale would only go ahead if the name and number matched.只有名称与数字吻合,才能进行销售。We need to achieve the best fit between the staff required and the staff available.我们需要在用人上实现供需两方面的最佳吻合His description fits perfectly the evidence dug up by Clyde.他的描述和克莱德发现的证据正好吻合His research dovetails with other similar studies.他的研究与其他类似研究吻合It's only a theory, admittedly, but the pieces fit together.不可否认这只是一种理论,但是各部分都互相吻合The results of this study are surprisingly consistent with previous estimates.该研究的结果与之前的估计惊人地吻合The report concurred with his findings.报告与他的研究结果吻合The film-makers went to great lengths to achieve historical accuracy in every detail.为了让每个细节都与历史吻合,这些电影制片人真是不遗余力。




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