例句 |
An articulated lorry was blown over by high winds.一辆铰接式卡车被疾风吹翻了。Her skirt flew up above her waist; she beat it down.她裙子被吹翻到了腰部上面,她把它按平。The effect of the gale was to overturn several boats.大风造成的后果是吹翻了几条小船。The wind was so strong that it overturned dustbins and wrecked fences.风强劲得吹翻了垃圾筒,吹坏了篱笆。The wind was so strong, it blew her umbrella inside out.风很大,把她的伞都吹翻了。During the night a gust of wind had blown the pot over.夜里一阵劲风将锅吹翻了。 |