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词汇 charge
例句 The issue still carries a charge in American politics.这个问题在美国政治中仍然具有感召力。The charge that Harding was a political stooge may be a canard.关于哈丁是政治傀儡的指控或许是个不实报道。No additional charge is made for this service.此服务不另外收费。Phil's in charge, and what he says goes.菲尔是主管,他说了算。She agreed to plead guilty to a lesser charge.她对一项较轻的罪行认了罪。Palmer is very much the man in charge of the team.帕尔默实际上就是一队之长。She was in charge of the baby.她负责照顾这个婴儿。He was nominally in charge of his father's printing company.他名义上掌管着父亲的印刷公司。This project is now under the charge of Mr White.这项工程现在由怀特先生主管。We could get a coffee in there but they charge three quid a throw.我们可以在那里买到咖啡,不过他们每份要卖三英镑。Listen squirt, I'm in charge here.听着,小屁孩,这里我说了算。All the ferries carry bicycles free or for a nominal charge.所有的渡船都免费或以极低的收费运载自行车。He wouldn't scruple to charge you double its value if he thought you'd pay.如果他认为你肯付的话,他会毫无顾忌地向你索要双倍价钱。The nurse in charge explained what the treatment would be like.主管护士解释了治疗的情况。He was brought up on a charge of causing a disturbance.他以扰乱治安罪被传讯。The cost of the proceedings will be a charge on his estate.诉讼费用将拿他的产业来偿付。This service is available at a nominal charge.这项服务只象征性地收费。We'll put together a proposal, including detailed costings, free of charge.我们将免费拟一份提案,其中包括详细的成本估算。He is raring to charge into the fray and lay down the law.他急切地想管管这场闹剧,教训他们一顿。A few years ago Bacryl took charge of the company.几年前,巴克里尔接管了该公司。Police officers on the case are reckoning to charge someone very shortly.调查这个案子的警官正在想尽快对什么人提出指控。He's in charge of wardrobe at the local amateur theatre.他是当地业余剧院戏装部的负责人。The detective is in charge of tracing missing persons.这位侦探负责查找失踪人员。He was appointed to take charge of the mails.他被委派管理邮政。The colonel gave the order to charge.上校下令冲锋。There is a big difference in the amounts that banks charge.银行的收费在数额上有很大的不同。Guests can park free of charge all day.宾客可以全天免费停车。There is no service charge and tipping is at your discretion.我们不收服务费,小费您随意。It's a big project, and she's in charge of the whole shebang.这是项大工程,由她负责全部事务。I've been deputized as the officer in charge of all recruitment and training of the People's Volunteer Army.我受委派负责人民志愿军招募和训练的一切相关事宜。How much do you charge for renting a locker?冷藏格出租一个多少钱? I have no option but to charge you strictly to say nothing about it.我别无选择,只能责令你严守秘密。They wanted to charge me a whole lot of money just to change my car insurance.改换一种汽车保险他们就要收我一大笔钱。I'm now the person in charge, for my sins.现在由我负责,真是自作自受。Officially, Robert's in charge, but in practice Hannah runs the office.据称应该是罗伯特负责办事处的工作,但实际上却是汉纳在管。He was told off as second in charge.他被指派为第二把手。The charge that Harding was a political stooge may be a canard.关于哈丁是个政治走狗的指控可能是个谣传。Guests can make phone calls and charge them to their rooms.客人可以打电话,电话费记在他们的住宿费里面。The guy you put in charge is a complete pillock.你任命为主管的那个家伙是个十足的蠢材。We charge clients on an hourly basis.我们对客户是按小时收费的。




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