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词汇 characterization
例句 News reporting requires accurate characterization.新闻报道需要准确无误的描述。Pilcher's books have humour, good characterization, and lively dialogue.皮尔彻的书幽默,人物刻画出色,而且对话生动。The reporter was criticized for his characterization of the people of the town as poor and uneducated.那名记者受到了指责,因为他把小镇居民描绘成一群贫穷且缺少教养的人。Tey's novels are well constructed with strong characterization and a fine prose style.泰的小说构思严谨,人物刻画入木三分,且文风细腻优美。The class discussed the author's characterization of the boy as someone who wanted to be accepted by others.全班讨论了作者的人物塑造,他塑造了一个想要得到他人认可的男孩。The story has good characterization.这个故事的人物刻画得很好。As a writer I am interested in characterization.作为作家,我对人物塑造感兴趣。They portray him as a weak leader, but I don't think that's a fair characterization.他们把他说成是软弱的领袖,但我认为这种描绘有失偏颇。The plots in her books are very strong but there's almost no characterization.她写的书情节性很强,可是几乎没有对人物的塑造。The author is not strong on characterization.这位作者不擅长人物刻画。I don't fully agree with that characterization of the welfare system.我不完全赞同对福利制度特点的那种描述。The real value of the book lies in its wonderful characterization.这本书真正的价值在于精彩的人物塑造。




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