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The horse shooed the flies away with a swish of its tail.马嗖嗖地甩着尾巴赶走苍蝇。We could hear the swish and gurgle of water against the hull.我们能听到水拍打船体时的哗哗声。I heard the rope swish through the air.我听见绳子在空中嗖嗖舞动的声音。The swish and pelt of the rain were heard in pauses.哗哗的雨声时断时续。I stayed in a really swish hotel.我住在一家非常豪华的酒店里。The magnificent red stage curtains opened with a swish.华丽的红色帷幕刷的一声拉开了。Just then there was the swish of wings right above my head.就在那时,一对翅膀刷拉一声掠过我的头顶。She turned with a swish of her skirt.她转身时裙摆也跟着旋转飘起。With a swish of the curtains, the stage was revealed.幕布唰的一声拉开,舞台便呈现在眼前。The swish of the tyres lulled him into a light doze.车轮呼呼地转着,他不一会儿便打起瞌睡来。She works in a swish cocktail bar.她在一家高级鸡尾酒酒吧工作。We heard the occasional swish of a horse's tail.我们听到了马偶尔甩尾巴时的唰唰声。 |