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词汇 swirled
例句 Jessie's pale dress swirled round her slender ankles.杰茜的淡色连衣裙在她瘦削的脚踝旁摆动。The water swirled about his feet.水在他的脚下打旋。The seagulls swirled in aerial combat over the barges.海鸥在驳船上方的天空中盘旋打斗。The yellowish brown smoke fumed up and swirled.棕黄色的烟雾冒出来,袅袅升起。The waves swirled and eddied against the pier.海浪旋起,冲击码头形成旋涡。John swirled the ice around in the bottom of his glass.约翰旋动玻璃杯底的冰块。Outside the window a thick dark fog swirled up the street.窗外,黑色浓雾在大街上弥漫。Dense smoke swirled and billowed, its rank fumes choking her.浓烟打着旋儿滚滚升起,恶臭的烟气呛得她透不过气来。Inside, clouds of cigarette smoke swirled.屋内香烟的烟雾缭绕。She swirled the ice-cold liquid around her mouth.她把冰水含在嘴里转来转去。He swirled the brandy around in his glass.他旋动杯中的白兰地酒。The black water swirled around his legs, reaching almost to his knees.黑乎乎的脏水在他腿边打着漩儿,几乎快要没到膝盖了。He swirled the dark red liquid around his glass before drinking deep.他晃了晃玻璃杯里的深红色液体,然后大喝了一口。Dust swirled like smoke in the evening sunshine.晚霞中,尘土像烟雾般打旋。The pans were held in both hands and swirled around to separate gold particles from the dirt.双手握住淘选盘不停旋动将沙金和尘土分开。The black water swirled around his legs, reaching almost to his knees.黑乎乎的脏水在他腿边打着旋,几乎快要没到了膝盖。Dust swirled around them like a misty cloud.灰尘就像一团雾霭般盘旋在他们周围。The water swirled around/down the drain.水在排水口处打着旋流进了排水口。




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