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词汇 swiped
例句 Hey, someone's swiped my wallet!嗨,有人偷了我的钱包!She swiped my idea.她盗用了我的想法。She swiped him hard on the side of the head.她狠狠地打他头的一侧。The boss has swiped my pen again.老板又把我的钢笔偷走了。While I was swimming in the river, somebody swiped all my clothes!我在河里游泳的时候,有人把我的衣服全偷走了!The cat swiped the dog across the nose.猫从狗的鼻子前抡过去。The photos were probably swiped by an employee.这些照片很可能是被哪个员工偷走了。The cashier swiped the credit card and gave it back to me.收银员刷了我的信用卡,然后把卡还给了我。The cat swiped at the dog.猫挥爪抡打了狗。The car swiped the side of the garage as he pulled out.他把车开出去的时候撞上了车库的大门。They swiped some candy from the store.他们从商店偷了些糖果。He swiped me across the shoulder with the poker.他挥起拨火棍打我的肩膀。He swiped at the wasp with a rolled-up newspaper.他挥起一卷报纸打那只黄蜂。She swiped at Rusty as though he was a fly.她打拉斯蒂就像在打一只苍蝇。I wish I knew who'd swiped my earrings.我希望能知道谁偷了我的耳环。




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