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词汇 小说
例句 His novels seem scarcely to date at all.他的小说似乎丝毫没有过时。The book is slightly unfocused, as if the author is unsure whether she is writing a romance or a forensic investigation.这本书有些目标不清,仿佛作者不确定是在写一部浪漫作品还是法医调查小说She draws on firsthand experiences for her novel.她把亲身经历写进自己的小说20,000 copies of the novel will be printed in hardback.这本小说将以精装本的形式发行两万册。This novel vividly depicts the heroine's trials and tribulations.这部小说生动地描写女主人公经历的种种艰难困苦。While exposing the social evils, the main attack in this novel is directed against the literati.在揭露社会罪恶的同时,这本小说的主攻目标是直捣那些学者阶层。Her novels were a vehicle for shrewd social comment.她的小说是传达她精辟的社会评论的媒介。The story translates well to the screen.这部小说适宜改编为电影。Agatha Christie keeps the reader on tenterhooks until the final pages of the story.阿加莎·克里斯蒂总是让读者悬着一颗心看到小说的最后几页。The novel is comic and tragic.这部小说令人笑中带泪。His first novel was well and truly lambasted by the critics.他的第一部小说受到批评家的猛烈抨击。Despite their superficial similarities, the two novels are in fact very different.这两本小说尽管表面上有相似之处,但实际上大不一样。Her first novel was on the best-seller list for two months. 她的第一部小说名列畅销榜两个月之久。She seems to see herself as some kind of romantic heroine in a trashy novel.她好像把自己看成是垃圾小说里一个浪漫的女主人公了。His novels follow traditional lines.他的小说是以传统的方法创作的。The critical reaction to his first novel has been positive.评论界对他的第一部小说反响不错。Umberto Eco's loss of his own religious faith is reflected in his novels.翁贝托·艾柯个人宗教信仰的丧失反映在了他的小说里。The series will include both fiction and non-fiction.本系列丛书将包括小说和非小说类纪实文学作品。The novel's plot is multilayered.这部小说的情节层层叠叠。She is currently writing a sequel to Daphne du Maurier's 'Rebecca'.她现在正在续写达夫妮·杜穆里埃的小说《蝴蝶梦》。The novels have won widespread critical praise.小说赢得了评论界的广泛赞誉。After a promising first novel, she faded/sank into obscurity.在出版了第一部很被看好的小说后,她就淡出了人们的记忆。I read everything from fiction to history.小说到历史,我什么书都读。The novel is never mocking or arch in its tone.这部小说从来不使用嘲讽或说教的语调。His new book is a collection of essays and fiction by writers who lived through the Great Depression.他的新书是一本文集,汇编了经历过大萧条的一些作家所写的散文和小说The plot of the novel is labyrinthine.那本小说情节曲折。The setting of the novel is the closed world of banking.这部小说的背景是排外的银行界。The novel's central character is an orphan.这部小说的主人公是一个孤儿。It captures the spirit of the novel perfectly.它非常好地抓住了这部小说的精髓。Many widely-held notions about crime have come from the cinema, magazines, or novels.许多对于犯罪的普遍看法源自电影、杂志或小说The novel tells about life during the occupation.这部小说讲述的是沦陷时期的生活状况。Her novels are popular with university literati, but they have failed to attract a wider audience.她的小说受到大学里文人学者的欢迎,但对更广泛的读者却没有什么吸引力。The murder takes place in the opening pages of the novel.谋杀发生在小说开始的部分。He recommenced work on his novel.他继续写他的小说The novel weds tragedy and comedy.这部小说融合了悲剧和喜剧。His first novel had rave notices, his second was taken apart.他的第一部小说得到热情的称赞,第二部却遭到猛烈的批评。He thought about starting a novel.他考虑过写一部小说The novels are divided up into three categories: historical, romantic, and crime.这些小说分为三类:历史类、言情类和犯罪类。The story lifted him to national recognition.这部小说使他得到了全国的认可。You ought to read his novels.你应该读读他的小说




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