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He was attacked by a gang of youths.他遭到一帮小混混的袭击。He said he had felt threatened by a group of hoodies outside a shop.他说自己在一家商店外面受到一群小混混的威胁。This bar is famous as a haunt of petty criminals.该酒吧以经常有小混混出没而出名。There were gangs of kids on motorbikes roaming around.有几群小混混骑着摩托车到处窜。A gang taunted a disabled man.一伙小混混嘲弄一个残疾人。Why can't the police do more to get the punks off our streets?警方为什么不能采取进一步措施扫除我们街上的小混混?He's an empty-headed young pup.他是个没有头脑的小混混。 |