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词汇 辛普森
例句 The police were suspicious of Simpson because his story did not quite make sense.警方怀疑是辛普森,因为他的叙述不合逻辑。Mr Parker took over the chairmanship from Ron Simpson.帕克先生从罗恩·辛普森那里接任了主席一职。Tomorrow, the court will hear evidence relating to Simpson's financial assets.明天法庭将听取有关辛普森的资产的证据材料。Simpson is a talented singer and piano player.辛普森是位天赋很高的歌手及钢琴演奏家。He continued to find the Simpsons uncongenial bores.他依然觉得辛普森一家人很讨厌。Simpson looked at them in surprise.辛普森惊讶地看着他们。Simpson is in New York this week for the defence of his title.辛普森本周在纽约卫冕冠军称号。Edward chose to abdicate the throne, rather than give Mrs Simpson up.爱德华选择放弃王位,而不是离弃辛普森太太。Mrs Simpson is responsible for the induction of new library staff.辛普森太太负责图书馆新职员的入职培训。We're having the Simpsons over for supper on Tuesday evening.我们打算请辛普森一家星期二晚上来吃饭。I am a huge fan of `The Simpsons'.我很迷《辛普森一家》。Professor Simpson provided expertise in engineering.辛普森教授提供了工程方面的专业知识。Hilda Simpson was a woman in her early eighties.希尔达·辛普森是个八十出头的妇人。The Simpsons built a big addition onto the back of their house.辛普森家在房子后面扩建了一个很大的房间。An argument ensued, with various band members joining in and haranguing Simpson and his girlfriend for over two hours.接下来发生了一场争论,各位乐团成员你一言我一语地花了两个多小时试图说服辛普森和他的女友。Mrs Simpson was certified dead.辛普森太太被证实已死亡。The Simpsons live in a flat over the shop.辛普森一家住在商店楼上的一套公寓里。Simpson's much vaunted discoveries are in fact commonplace in modern sociology.辛普森的那些被大肆称赞的发现在现代社会学中实际上都不足为奇。What is her name? It's on the tip of my tongue. Joan. Joan Simpson. That's it!她的名字叫什么? 就在我嘴边。 琼…琼·辛普森。 就是这名字!Simpson met every objection with sound arguments.辛普森用理由充足的论证反击每个异议。The land inclines gradually downwards toward the Simpson Desert.这块土地朝着辛普森沙漠方向逐渐向下倾斜。Other party members accused Simpson of disloyalty.其他党员指责辛普森对党不忠。Simpson has been appointed to the Memphis Branch board for a three-year term.辛普森被派到孟菲斯分公司董事会任职,为期三年。Simpson is a man who exudes bonhomie.辛普森是个和蔼可亲的人。You've overstepped the mark this time, Simpson - you're fired!这一次你的行为太过分了,辛普森——你被解雇了!Simpson hoped his bad trot was about to end.辛普森希望这段霉运很快结束。The files indicate that Smith is an alias for Simpson.从档案里可以看出史密斯是辛普森的化名。They all chipped in for the benefit of Simpson's widow and little child.他们大家凑钱帮助辛普森的遗孀和小孩。Simpson's ruthless ambition and weakness for self-promotion has not made him the most popular journalist in the BBC.辛普森不择手段的勃勃野心和自抬身价的毛病使他没能成为英国广播公司最受欢迎的记者。Simpson withstood a blistering cross-examination in court this morning.辛普森今天上午在法庭上应对了尖锐的诘问。




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