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词汇 辛勤劳动
例句 We represent the last vestige of what made this nation great — hard work.辛勤劳动成就了这个国家,而我们就是这一品质硕果仅存的代表。He earned his money by the sweat of his brow.他靠辛勤劳动挣到了钱。We're just plain, hardworking people.我们只是普通的辛勤劳动者。He was now reaping the fruits of all his hard work.他正在收获所有辛勤劳动的果实。The course involves a great deal of hard work.这一过程需要付出大量的辛勤劳动Thank you for all your hard work.谢谢你所有的辛勤劳动It took a lot of hard work on everyone's part to finish the project on time.所有的人都辛勤劳动,才使工程如期完成。West was paid very little for his labours.韦斯特的辛勤劳动只得到了很微薄的报酬。The wealth of industrial society could only come from the toil of the masses.工业社会的财富只能来自大众的辛勤劳动Sheffield is a city where steel-workers once laboured in their thousands.设菲尔德这座城市曾有数以千计的炼钢工人一起辛勤劳动Men. women and children spent long hours toiling in the fields, whatever the weather conditions.不论天气好坏,男男女女、老老少少都长时间在田里辛勤劳动They prospered mightily and knew that God had blessed their labours.他们的日子非常兴旺,知道上帝保佑了他们的辛勤劳动Don't think your hard work has gone unnoticed.不要认为你的辛勤劳动已湮没无闻了。Her statement demeans the hard work the group has done.她的表述贬低了团队所付出的辛勤劳动Farm labourers have to toil in the fields all day.农场工人不得不整天在田地里辛勤劳动I would like to say how much we appreciate your hard work.我想说我们对你的辛勤劳动非常感谢。




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