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词汇 小教堂
例句 The small church of San Michel is tucked away in a narrow back street of Port-au-Prince.圣米歇尔小教堂藏在太子港的一条狭窄小街上。There was the muffled sound of organ practice coming from the chapel.小教堂里传来低沉的练风琴的声音。The riverside path leads visitors to a small chapel.湖边的这条小道把游客带往一个小教堂She went to the chapel where she dropped down on her knees.她来到了小教堂,双膝跪地。They lit a torch and set fire to the chapel's thatch.他们点燃火把,放火烧了小教堂的茅草屋顶。We spent hours decking the chapel with flowers before the wedding.我们在婚礼前花了好几个小时用花装饰小教堂The whole family worshipped together at the chapel.全家人在小教堂做礼拜。You will see the chapel on the hill to your left…你会看见那座小教堂在你左侧的山上。The local vicar has agreed to marry us in the chapel.当地牧师已经同意在小教堂为我们主持婚礼。Everything was very still inside the little chapel. Nothing broke the silence.小教堂里一片寂静,没有什么打破这死寂。We married in the chapel of Charing Cross Hospital in London.我们是在伦敦查令十字医院的小教堂里结的婚。The Holy Family Church was closed and the parish now celebrates mass in this simple side chapel.圣家堂关闭了,现在该教区的居民在它旁边的简陋的小教堂里做弥撒。The villagers gather for worship in the little church every Sunday.每个星期天,那些村民聚在小教堂里做礼拜。A tide of joy rose higher and higher in the chapel.小教堂里欢乐的浪潮一阵高过一阵。They were married quietly in a little country church.他们在乡间的一所小教堂悄悄地结了婚。Crowds of tourists descended on the tiny church.一群群的游客突然来造访这座小教堂As likely as not she first learnt to sing in chapel.很有可能她初次学唱歌是在小教堂里。The local vicar has agreed to marry us in the chapel on the estate.当地的牧师已经同意在庄园的小教堂里为我们主持婚礼。A spire surmounted the little church.小教堂顶端有一个尖塔。The other day, in a little church near Brighton, a window was dedicated to the memory of the Revd. Michael Scott.几天前,在布赖顿附近的一个小教堂,人们以一扇窗户来纪念迈克尔·斯科特牧师。The walls of the chapel were plain white and its only adornment was a large wooden crucifix.小教堂的墙壁是全白的,唯一的装饰是一个木质大十字架。The architecture suggested a chapel.这幢建筑物让人联想到一座小教堂The chapel became a sanctuary for the refugees.这座小教堂成为难民的庇护所。His recently completed chapel is attracting favourable comment.他新近设计竣工的小教堂正得到人们的称赞。Sister Francesca entered the chapel, took her seat, and promptly fell asleep.弗朗西丝卡修女走进小教堂,坐下来,很快就睡着了。The chapel is divided from the rest of the church by a screen.一块屏风把小教堂与教堂的其余部分隔开。We have to pay for the upkeep of the chapel.我们必须付小教堂的维修费。His recently completed chapel for Fitzwilliam is attracting favourable comment.他最近为菲茨威廉建成的小教堂赢得了好评。The parish now celebrates mass in this simple side chapel.如今该教区就在这所简朴的附属小教堂里作弥撒。Architecturally, the chapel would be the perfect match for the school.从建筑上看,这座小教堂与这所学校匹配至极。The hospital has its own chapel.这家医院有自己的小教堂The airport chapel offers a haven of peace only metres away from the bustle of the departure lounge.机场的小教堂是个安静的憩息之处,离繁忙的候机室才几米远。They were married in a wedding chapel in Las Vegas.他们是在拉斯维加斯的一个婚礼小教堂结的婚。The funeral was conducted in one of the smaller side chapels.葬礼是在其中一个附属小教堂里举行的。The gloom in the chapel oppressed her.小教堂内的阴暗气氛使她感到压抑。The chapel is dedicated to St Michael.这个小教堂是纪念圣米迦勒的。Church services will be held in the chapel this week.本周在小教堂做礼拜。




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