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词汇 小巧
例句 Then he caught sight of her small black velvet hat in the crowd.然后他突然在人群中看见了她那顶小巧的黑色天鹅绒帽子。The shop sells all kinds of nifty doodads.商店卖各种小巧实用的小玩意。The compact dimensions make the car seem like it is going faster than its actual speed.小巧的尺寸使这辆车的行车速度看起来快于实际车速。She looked small and gentle and altogether charming.她看起来小巧文雅,十分迷人。The street is lined with bijou cafés and bars.路边有一排小巧别致的咖啡馆和酒吧。With cunning hand the sculptor shaped the little statue.雕刻师以灵巧的手艺刻成了这个小巧的雕像。The compactness of the camera makes it very handy.这部相机十分小巧,携带非常方便。Her wardrobe consists primarily of huge cashmere sweaters and tiny Italian sandals.她的衣物主要是宽大的开司米毛衣和小巧的意大利凉鞋。The students' rooms were compact, with a desk, bed, and closet built in.学生的房间很小巧,配有一张书桌、一张床和一个壁橱。She was a small, dainty child, unlike her sister who was large and had big feet.她是个身材小巧的孩子,不像她姐姐那样高大,而且还长着一双大脚。The furniture was stiff, uncomfortable, too delicate, and too neat.家具又硬又不舒服,太不结实而且太小巧He commented on the daintiness of my hands.他说我的手很小巧Jenny is small and slender with porcelain skin.珍妮身材小巧纤细,皮肤白皙光滑。Darby drove a dinky old Fiat sports car.达比开着一辆小巧精致的老式菲亚特跑车。James usually drives a little hatchback.詹姆斯通常开一辆小巧的掀背车。Despite its bulk and weight, the Mercedes handles like a small car.尽管梅塞德斯汽车体积庞大笨重,但操控起来像一辆小巧的汽车。He enjoys reading in his den.他喜欢在他的幽静小巧的书房里看书。Today's baby buggies are lightweight, compact, and easy to fold.现在的婴儿车轻便小巧,容易折叠。She smiled, showing her small even teeth.她笑了,露出小巧而又整齐的牙齿。The very compactness of the cottage made it all the more snug and appealing.村舍小巧别致,显得更加舒适、更具魅力。The crib folds compactly for traveling. 这种婴儿床折叠后十分小巧,方便出行时携带。It is significantly more compact than any comparable laptop, with no loss in functionality.它比任何同类笔记本电脑都小巧得多,但功能没有任何减少。The apartment was ideal for the two of us - small but compact.这套公寓很适合我们俩居住—小巧但布置紧凑。These light and compact items fit comfortably into most carryalls.这些小巧轻便的物品可以轻松地放入大多数大手提包里。The drill has a compact design.这台钻机设计小巧She pulled out a small silver lighter from her bag.她从包里掏出一只小巧的银质打火机。The new car was a nice little job.这辆新车小巧精致。She bought an exquisite china figurine.她买了一尊小巧而精致的瓷塑像。The compact design of the machine allows it to be stored easily.这台机器的设计小巧灵便,存放起来非常方便。With the rise in oil prices, big American cars were forced to give way to smaller, more economical models.随着石油价格的上涨,大型美国汽车被迫让位于更小巧、更经济的车型。The room is small and intimate.这个房间小巧而温馨。Tiny raindrops gleamed on her pert little nose.小雨滴在她小巧的鼻子上闪着光。The computer offers power as well as compactness. 这台计算机功能强大,外观小巧The tiny china doll was exquisitely ornate.那个小巧的瓷娃娃装饰得很细致漂亮。The restaurant is small and green and very welcoming.这家餐厅小巧精致,绿意盎然,令人感到非常惬意。




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