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词汇 小块
例句 He was obsessively worrying at that one little spot on his arm.他执着地抠着胳膊上的小块红斑。Peel off the blackened skin, flatten the pepper out and trim it into edible pieces.把发黑的外皮削掉,然后把甜椒压扁,切成方便入口的小块The lawn was patchy with a lot of weeds and bare areas.草坪上有许多小块杂草和光秃秃的地面,一片斑驳。Small bones should be avoided as the dog may swallow them whole and risk internal injury.不要给狗喂小块的骨头,以免它整个吞下去而造成内部器官损伤。We were always searching for bits of junk we could cobble together into something artistic.我们一直在搜寻可以拼搭成艺术品的小块废料。I spent Sunday working in my vegetable patch.星期天我在我的小块菜地里忙活。The pebbledash on the house was starting to come loose and flake off in small patches.房子的灰泥小石子外墙开始松动了,有几处小块地方掉了下来。Deep shadows lay across the small clearing where they sat.浓重的阴影落在他们坐的那小块空地上。We need to get all the bits of dirt out of the carpet.我们需要把地毯里的小块脏东西都弄出来。The cheese was cut into small pieces and arranged on a silver platter.奶酪被切成了小块放在大银盘上。He cut the food up into bite-size chunks.他把食物切成能入口的小块Many families own plots of land to grow food.许多人家都有自己的小块土地种粮食。Stir the sauce to remove any small lumps.把酱汁中的小块搅拌开。Small pickling onions can be used instead of sliced ones.小块腌洋葱可用来替代切片洋葱。To build the shelter, they had to make use of whatever bits of wood or plastic they could find.为了搭这个棚子,他们得利用捡到的任何小块木头或塑料。The crofts are long and narrow, one end butting on the fields.农舍附近的小块田地是狭长的,一头跟田野毗连。He handed round a plate of tiny sandwiches, daintily arranged in rings.他把一盘摆成精致环形的小块三明治传给大家。Surgeons inserted a metal plate in the arm and grafted around it some small pieces of bone taken from the hip.外科医生将一块金属板嵌入手臂,然后在其周围移植了一些从髋部取下的小块骨头。These small parcels of land were purchased for the most part by local people.这些小块土地大多数是当地人买下的。This mower is handy for cutting a small to middling sized area.用这台剪草机修剪小块或中等大小的草地很是顺手。Some of the parts broke and new ones had to be fabricated out of scrap.有些部件已经损坏,新部件只能用小块碎料制造。The excavation of a Roman town house revealed fragments of a mosaic floor.发掘一座罗马城市住宅时发现了小块的马赛克地面。This year on my allotment, I had the best ever crop of onions.今年在我的小块菜地里,我种的洋葱获得了前所未有的大丰收。The explosion left nothing but small, unrecognizable pieces of the aircraft scattered over the field.飞机爆炸后只有小块的、无法辨认的碎片散落在田野上。There were few provisions available in exchange for food stamps: ersatz coffee, macaroni, small cubes of margarine.可以用来换取粮票的食物只有这些:代用咖啡、通心粉和小块的人造黄油。It's best to try the dye out first on a bit of spare fabric.最好先在多余的小块布料上试一下这种染料。The shoes have little nubs on the bottom that prevent you from slipping.这双鞋的鞋底有些凸起的小块以防滑倒。Cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces.把鸡肉切成一口能吃下的小块




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