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词汇 change with
例句 Behaviour and social attitudes change with the passing of time.随着时间的流逝,人的行为和社会态度会发生改变。The styles change with bewildering rapidity.风格多变,令人应接不暇。We need to look at these proposed changes with a critical eye before we accept them.对于提出的这些变革方案,我们需经审慎的验证方能接受。Neither of them liked his seat so they changed with each other.他们俩都不喜欢自己的座位,于是互换了座位。He has a mercurial disposition that changes with the situation he is in.他脾气反复无常,随情况而异。This is a town that has changed with the times and now provides every vacation facility you could wish for.这个镇已经跟上了时代步伐,现在它提供的度假设施真是应有尽有。They seem to change with bewildering speed.他们似乎在以让人头晕目眩的速度变化。I need a sharper knife, so I'll change with you.我需要一把更快的小刀,所以我要和你调换一下。All this changed with the invention of the railway.随著铁路的发明这一切都改变了。Choose a variety of foods and ring the changes with meals.选择不同种类的食物,每顿饭换换花样。Liz noted the changes with satisfaction.莉兹注意到了这些变化,感觉很满意。They recorded the changes with mathematical precision.他们准确无误地记录下了所有变化。Mars and Earth have orbits which change with time.火星与地球的运行轨道随着时间而变化。Mars and Earth have orbits that change with time.火星和地球的运行轨道随时间而变化。Traditionalists look upon the changes with disdain.传统主义者鄙夷这些变革。




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